Chapter 2

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"Luke and I are gonna go. I'm sleepy" Gabby stated. She and Luke walked off into the night. "Let's go do karaoke. I know a great loft, where we can go" Gray smiled. I nodded. The date had been going on for three hours, which is probably why Gabby and Luke left. It was almost 11 o'clock. But other than the fact that I was hungry, tonight was a success. "I'm gonna go tell the dj what I'm gonna sing for you" Gray was so adorable. I nodded. "A song for me? Cool" I took out my phone and tapped on my favorite app: Instagram. People's magazine had a video. I watched it. "Hey ladies. We all know the sexy Steven Newell, right? Well he's looking for a girl named Jazz. Watch this:" Steven was in some interview with the reporter. "-So you're looking for a girl?" "Yep. I met her in high school and she had my kid. She ran away from home eight years ago. This is a picture of her...." Gray came back. He scared the crap out of me. "Watcha watching?" I shook my head. I couldn't tell Gray my past. I couldn't tell anyone my past. Heck, Leo didn't even know my past. "Nothing. Some stupid interview with a man trying to find a girl" "oh, well it is my turn. I hope you like the song" I smiled. Suddenly I was feeling sick. They were looking for me. What if dad had called Grammy. Grammy was a really truthful person and almost always told the truth. "This is for a girl named Jazz. I know how much she likes Fifth Harmony even though they're throwback."Gray stated. The song started and I recognized it. It was Brave honest and Beautiful. "You can dance like Beyonce you can shake like Shakira cause brave yeah you're fearless and you're beautiful" I walked up. "I got this" The crowd seemed relieved. Gray couldn't sing for nothing! "You sell out every stadium, and the crowd goes crazy when you're done, don't know how beautiful you are. You deserve your Hollywood star" I finished the song with a standing ovation. I smiled at everyone. "You hungry? Want some fish and chips?" I wrinkled my nose. "Eww, gross, why do they call them fish and chips when the chips are fries, I mean that's just logic!" I stated. Gray chuckled. "What? A London girl who doesn't like fish and chips?!" I stared at him and he stared at me. "You're not from here... Are you?" his tone was serious. I began to cry and I bit my lip. "No Gray, I'm not." He hugged me. I told him everything, from my dad finding out about me being pregnant, to going to the library to finding Steven kissing Andrea,to coming to London. I thought he'd laugh at me, but he didn't. I had told no one about that. "Jazz, its ok. You don't have to tell anyone else, k?" I nodded. "Want some McDonald's instead?" I nodded.
***********Two weeks Later****""
Gray and I stood at the top of the bleachers. "Go Leo!" We were shouting along with everyone else. I'd made a lot of parent friends. Me and Katie's mom were friends. Katie was Leo's crush. He talked to her once after a soccer game. He said 'hi. I like your moves' and they started talking more and more. Today was Leo's birthday. He was so excited. I can tell because he woke up at one in the morning, Screaming "I'm nine. I'm nine, I'm nine!" He jumped on my bed, he ran through the kitchen, and he blasted the happy birthday song. "Happy birthday Leo!" Grammy smiled. How she was up, I have no idea. Leo kicked the ball in the net and the game was over. He scored the winning goal! The kids jumped up and down. They were surrounded around Leo yelling "Leo, Leo, Leo!" Leo came up to me. "Oh my Gosh, Leo you scored the winning Goal!" I hugged and kissed him. "Um, mom.I'm nine now!" I smiled at him. "You may be, but you're still my baby" I kiss his forehead. "Ok, after you take a shower, we're gonna go to your party!" He lit up with joy and excitement. Katie walked up to us. "Hey Katie" Leo started blushing. I smiled. Leo's first crush. He would only tell Gray about his crush, and not me. Which is normal, im his mom and he's always gonna find me embarrassing. "Hey Leo. Congrats on your goal. I think that was really good, well I thought it was really good." She's stuttering. Maybe she likes Leo too! "Hey Leo, why don't you invite Katie to your birthday party" I hinted to Leo. He mouthed, 'thanks' and I smiled. Yep, helping my kid get closer to his girl. Was I so embarrassing now?Katie's long brown hair flowed beautifully down her shoulders. Her eyes were brown and she had a pretty smile. She was kind and had an awesome personality. "I'd love to. Where is it?" she asked smiling. "I don't know, mom hasn't told me" Leo nudged me. Gray chuckled at Leo. "I'll text your mom" she nodded. "Bye guys" "Bye" we all waved. "Come on mom,Gray.Let's go, you're only nine once!" He tugged my shirt. "Ok,ok come on" I smiled.
"Oh my Gosh. Mom we're at 'SoJumpsticated'! Awesome" Leo was so hyper. He probably didn't even need cake and ice cream. We walked to the desk. I smiled at the lady. "Party for Leo, in the name of Jazz" She nodded and handed me wristbands. "We'll let you know when your play time has concluded and when it's time to eat" I nodded and everyone walked to the room we'd eat in. Katie and her mom walked in followed by Leo's boy bestfriend, Bruno and his dad. Grammy was the last to come. "Ok, if anyone wants to jump, come get your wristband." All the kids came running to me like I had free ice cream. They all ran out when they got the wristbands. Gray came up to me. "I wanna jump" I smiled and gave him a wristband. "Can you put mines on?" I asked. He looked into my eyes and the butterflies started swarming around in my stomach. I smiled at him. "Thanks, Um let's go...jump" We walked out of the room leaving Grammy and the parents to talk about whatever they talked about. The trampolines were black and green. It was a pit to jump in, dodge ball courts and a basketball section. There was like no one else here but us and a few kids which were leaving. The safety people trusted me and Gray to watch the kids. I spotted my favorite trampoline as a kid: The tumble track. I ran over to it. I did a running roundoff, into a back handspring. "Wow, mom. You can do that?!" Leo asked amazed. All I saw were amazed faces. "I was in gymnastics, when I was younger" I smiled. "When?" Katie asked. I plopped down on the trampoline. "I was in the tenth grade" Grammy came in. "They just brought the pizza and juice" Grammy was almost 70. What would we do for her birthday? We all walked to our party room and ate. I gave Leo his birthday present. "An iPhone 5C?! Mom thank you so much!" He smiled really big at me. I hugged him. "Get Katie's number!" I whispered. He smiled at me. I think you just earned yourself a mom point. What what! "Thankyou everyone for coming and helping us celebrate nine years of Leo" After we sang happy birthday and Leo opened up his presents, we left. "I got Katie and Bruno's number. I'll have to get Gabby, Luke and Gray's number" Leo had been wanting a phone forever and he finally got one. I wouldn't have to worry about him running my battery down anymore. He'd been in his phone for ten minutes. I remember my first phone .We pulled up to the dormitory. Gabby, Luke and her dad's band were in there. "Hey everyone" I waved. "Hey Jazz, hey Leo" Everyone greeted us. Gray had to go deal with some problem between Kacie and Kayla. They hated each other. They were living with each other for 12 years. They were sisters and their parents wanted them to live with each other still. We'd been making cell phone cases with some kit Gabby got from Walmart. "Sign my phone case" I smiled at everyone. They passed the phone case and sharpie around. There was a knock on the door. "Coming" I got up from the floor and opened the door. I stared at the visitor: Gray, Without a shirt on. I let him in and he put on His shirt. I got the phone case back and smiled at it. I put it on my iPhone 5. The case was pink and now had black writing on it. Gray made His case and told everyone he was going to sleep. There was another knock on the door. This time, it wasn't a handsome boy without a shirt on, it was my dad, brothers and Steven. I stare at them and they stare at me. Dad gives me a hug followed by Adrian and Ryan. Steven stared at me. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "Thank God you're alive!" My dad hugged me tightly. Gray came to the door. "Everything ok?" I nodded. "Yeah, just some relatives" He smiled at them and walked away. "So what did you name our kid?" Steven asked smiling. How did they find me? Know what dorm I was in? Grammy. "His name is Leo..." I called for Leo who was on his phone. "Leo, this is your family. Meet, Your grandpa, uncles and your dad" I greeted everyone. I was not happy to see them at all. I know I should be, but I wasn't. They ruined my teenage years. "I thought you said dad caught some disease called, 'Dickhead disorder' and died!" Leo stated. I blushed and wished Leo would stop talking. "Go make your iPhone case!" I pushed him back into the room. Steven looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "So what are you guys doing here?" I asked squeezing my temples. Just them being here was making my head hurt. "I found you Jazz, we're here to take you home!" Steven lifted me up and spun me around. "Forget it I'm not going. I love it here"
2 hours later
"I can't believe I'm going back to Tampa." I sighed crawling into bed and hitting Leo in the process. "Damn Leo you were just like me when I got my phone, I was always on it" I ruffled his dark black hair and he looked at me angrily. I know how much he hated me messing with his hair. "Mom!" He complained and fixed his hair. "Why are you going back? I thought you hated Tampa" Gabby asked snuggling into her lady bug pillow pet. I shrugged. "I just want to go to the beach" I lied. Now I'd been living with Gabby enough to know when she was lying vice-versa. "The Beach? You're leaving London for the beach?" She asked. I nodded trying to make it look real, but Gabby is a smart girl. "That's what I said Gabs" Leo joined. I threw my pillow at him. "Jazz, what's the real reason?" she asked sitting up. "My dad thinks I should try and reconnect with everyone. I haven't seen my family and friends in eight years" I wiped a tear. Leo put his phone down and came and hugged me. Gabby hugged me too. I felt safe and happy. I didn't want to go back but I hadn't seen my other family. They probably thought I was dead. "Thanks guys" I smiled with dried tears on my face. "Mom" "Hm?" I asked. "Are we really leaving London?" Leo asked with tears starting to form in his eyes. "Yeah, we've been talking about this all day" I smiled. He looked angry... Again. But he had a genuine spark of anger. Like he was pissed. "I thought you were just kidding. I didn't know you were for real!" He yelled at me. "Um, Gabs. Can you excuse yourself for a minute?" I asked as she got up and left the room. "Leo. It won't be that bad" I reasuured him. I had to let him know, leaving wasn't the worst thing ever, even if he and I thought it was. "Mom what about Grammy?" he asked. "Honey she'd been living without us for a long time" I smiled. "What about soccer, my friends, school" Leo was a straight 'A' student. He didn't have a lot of friends, but he had like four real friends. Real friends are hard to come by. There are more fake people than real people and I'm extremely happy he found real, good, awesome friends. "You can play soccer, you'll make new friends and you'll have to go to a new school" I had answers for everything "You have answers for everything. Everything except for this: What about Katie?" Leo was crying now. I had no answer for this. I hadn't even thought about Katie. If we left, they might not ever get together and that would break both of our hearts. "I'm sorry hun. You'll meet a new girl, I promise" I held him. "Not like Katie mom, I don't wanna go" He gave me his big brown eyes that most of the time I gave him what he wanted. "I don't wanna go either but-" "Then tell them that. My whole childhood is here mom, and if we leave it'll get wrecked... Permanently" Leo made an excellent point. He was born and raised here, but I spoiled him too much, and I was sad to say it, but I couldn't this time. "I'm sorry Leo. But we have to go"
The next day
Our flight didn't leave until five in the afternoon. so we could say our goodbyes. Leo and Katie saying goodbye was like another tragedy in my life. It was so sad. They both cried and hugged for like five minutes. "Leo, I always liked you, but didn't know if you liked me back and-" Leo kissed her! Ok, maybe I wasn't excited about that as much but I was. "I loved you. And I promise, I'll call or text you everyday!" Katie wiped her tears away and smiled. "I'd like that, goodbye Leo" "Goodbye love" I felt my heart break, like literally. It was the saddest thing I'd ever seen. We went to Grammy's next. "Thank you for watching Leo, Grammy! I love you" Her fragile body hugged me and Leo and held a small smile on her face. She'd be the most affected by us leaving. We had all our memories at Grammy's house. "I'm gonna miss you, Grammy" Leo cried. He'd been an emotional Ed all day. Crying and pointing and just moping around. "I'm going to miss you more, Leo!" She walked us to the door. "Love y'all and come visit me, ok?" I nodded. We got in the car and went to the dorm. "Leo's luggage was in the car, but I still had to pack, cancel tuition and tell my professors I was leaving. "Do you have to go?" Gabby asked crying. I walked over to her and gave her a hug. "You were like my bestfriend and now you're leaving. I'm gonna fucking miss you!" We pulled apart. "I will never forget you!" I smiled. Gabby hugged Leo and he hugged back. Gray walked in just as I was zipping up my last suitcase. "Can y'all give us a minute?" He asked. Gabby and Leo walked out cravking the door. I faced my bed. Gray came from behind and hugged me. "I don't want you to go but I know you have to, so I wanna slow dance with you" Well that was random But I agreed. When the song was over, he dipped me. "Jazz, I-" Steven opened the door. "It's time to go" I came back up and smiled at Gray, not before giving him one last hug. What was he gonna say? I sigh taking one last look at the room. I walked outside to find Gabby, Luke and what used to be one direction. "Bye Jazz, Bye Leo" They sang in key. I smiled. "Bye guys, I'm gonna miss you" I hugged everyone. "Come back anytime" Niall smiled. I nodded. Trust me, I will be back
We were back in Tampa. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "You could act a little bit happier" Dad spoke seriously. How was he gonna tell me, 23 year old me, what to do? I didn't have to obey him anymore, and I wasn't going to. "Here's your bag!" Steven handed me my carry-on. Leo looked at me. "I already hate it here, mom. I miss Grammy" He whispered in my ear. I squared to reach his level even though I was only 5'2. "You won't say that when you see everyone" I said outloud smiling. "But, um, just between us, I hate it hear too" Leo laughed and we continued to walk. "So at five, we'll go to your dad's house and you'll get to see everyone who wants to see you and Leo" Steven spoke as he put all the luggage in the trunk of a limo he called for everyone. I thought that would break the ice, but Leo still wasn't happy. Oh, You thought I was talking about me breaking the ice with the four men in front of me?! Hell to the no! I took out my phone. Gabby "Hey!" I greeted. Gabby didn't sound happy at all. If anything she sounded mad. "Jazz, I wish you never left, Guess who my roommate is?!" she asked. "Who?" "Kacie! You know the Kacie and Kayla, Kacie" She excelled. "Who's her roommate?" Leo asked. "Kacie, remember who always squeezed your cheeks together?" Leo started to laugh and he took out his phone. The entire flight he was texting Katie or Bruno, they were probably in a chat group. "Hold on, there's a knock on the door. I hope it's not Kacie!" Gabby was probably rolling her eyes. "How'd you even get rooms with her?" I asked. "Well your boyfriend Gray thought it'd be a good idea because the girls had lived with each other their entire lives, but when you left, that meant it was an open bed for her" The sound of a door opening entered my ears. I know I should feel bad for Gabby, but I don't. This was too funny. "Hey. Is that jazz?" Gray asked. "Hey Gray!" Leo called out. There were grunts all around. "Finally!" Gray laughed. "Ok, Jazz what I was trying to tell you when you left is that, I-" Steven took my phone and Leo's phone."Hey!" we both called out. "Well we're here" Adrian smiled. I looked up at rye colossal building. It was a luxury home. Yes, home. We walked in and we were greeted by a Golden Retriever. "Oh, my gosh! Hi boy!" I said scratching behind his ears. The dog licked my face and once Leo saw the dog was friendly he petted it. Leo wasn't an animal type,but if I assured him it was ok, he was ok. "Kam, go away!" Steven yelled at the dog. Kam whimpered and walked away. Poor dog "You didn't have to yell at him" I rolled my eyes. Several maids came rushing in front of us, followed by a butler. "One of you" Steven said sternly. I felt so bad for the people and the dog who were here. He probably treated them so bad. Even if they mess up or make you mad, you don't have to yell at them. "-Give them a tour.... And make it quick!" A maid walked up to us. "Follow me" she spoke quietly. "Amber! How many fucking times do I have to tell you speak the hell up?!" "Sorry sir" She blushed. "Steven don't yell at her like that! I can hear her just fine!" I yelled at Steven. He was probably the worst boss ever, and I was making that assumption just by these few seconds. "Thank you for sticking up for me, but you don't have to. I don't want him to break his proposal to you. He's been missing you guys forever" she slightly smiled. I could tell she was the shy type. The type of girl who probably worked here for her family and not so much as wanting to be a maid for a spoiled rich man. After the tour was over, we left. Leo and I were both on our phones. Leo was texting Bruno about how much he hated Tampa and o was texting Gray. Can you believe I have to get married to the guy? I typed. It won't be that bad, Maybe I can bring Katie and Bruno to visit you guys. I smiled at that. The limo ride was quiet so I decided to text Leo what Gray told me. He nodded. That'll be great. I typed. Soon we exited the limo and walked up to my old house. I stared at the house that I used to live in. Everyone still lived there. The kids next door I used to babysit, they were teenagers. Ms.Wardoff, the old elementary teacher, was a little old lady. We walked in the house and I noticed nothing changed. Dad had left everything the same. The living room still had the same black leather couch and recliner that I'd sit in. The carpet stairs were still the same and so was my room. Everything was left the same. The pregnancy tests were in the empty drawers. My yellow heels that I didn't like. All my knee-high socks that I hated, everything was left. Even my pink hello Kitty rug was on the floor. My alarm clock, my pocket change and even my old phone, with the Agent-P case. I grabbed it and slid it. All my content and apps on the phone. My instagram, snap chat and my pictures of me and Steven. There was a knock in the door as soon as I finished putting on my clothes. "Hey Mr. Anoa'i. I came to see Jazz" I recognized her voice. My bestfriend: Lilly. I ran down the stairs to greet her. We hugged for like fifthy seconds. I missed her so much, she was the last person I'd seen before I left. "Lilly, you look awesome as usual!" I smiled. "So do you, and you're rocking the floral dress" "Well you did design it" We laughed. Leo came running up to me. "Mom, can we go back to the apartment? I'm sleepy!" he complained. "This is your son?!" Lilly asked smiling at Leo. He smiled back and shook her hand. "Lilly, Leo... Leo, Lilly" I introduced them. Lilly and I walked outside. "Guess what?!" She asked excitedly, which only made me get excited. It was weird. It was like I wasn't gone for eight years and Lilky and I were still in high school. That's how it felt. "Boom!" She showed me a diamond ring. It was gorgeous. "You're engaged?!" I asked jumping up and down. She nodded excitedly jumping up and down too. We probably looked like freaks to the people driving down the road. A car pulled up on the driveway. It was my grandmother, my mom's mother. She was the gramma I really didn't care for. "Hey Jazz, oh I haven't seen you in eight years... That's right you ran away for some stupid reason. Can you say drama queen" She said to my grandpa. He rolled his eyes. He'd been wanting a divorce forever, but for some reason, he hadn't. My grandma was a pain in the ass at times. She didn't really like me, or my dad for some reason and to be honest, I thought she was dead and my grandpa was chilling in Hawaii! "Hey grandma, how are you?" I asked feigning a smile. "Forget me, where's my great grandson?" She asked with an attitude. Calm down, she's a B- "He's inside..... Hey grandpa, How are you?" He smiled at me. "With Lydia, terrible" he chuckled. I rubbed his back and he walked in. "I have one more surprise!" Lilly smiled. "I want you to be my maid of honor!" I smiled and nodded. I'd never been a maid of honor before. This would be so cool. "Well, I guess I have one more surprise" "What is it? It can't be better than this!" I smiled. She nodded. Apparently it can. "I'm gonna announce my pregnancy at the reception!" I screamed with joy. Lilly laughed. "Shh!" "I'm gonna be an godmother?!" She nodded. "Lilly that's awesome" We hugged and walked in the house. Leo was on his phone, Wow that kid is addicted to that phone and everyone was talking. I walked over to Leo, "you wanna go outside?" I asked. He nodded. "The front yard has more space" I led him through the family and onto the front yard. "Mom, I wanna go home!" Leo started to cry. Shit he's not gonna make it here

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