Chapter Fifteen

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It's six in the morning by the time I drag myself into the boy's house, the front door clicks closed quietly and the dull light emanating in the kitchen draws me closer.

Exhaustion has weighted my muscles but the adrenaline from yesterday afternoon has yet to wear off, cycling between quiet astonishment and sobs of disbelief. It's not about me and yet that same shock and processable shock cloaks me.

It took hours to convince her that going out with her friends was going to make her feel better, but in every text and video I have gotten since. Toni and I were right like I suspected we would be, and secretly it's another thing I am grateful for when it comes to Phoebe falling in love.

She knows a side of what will help that I don't, distraction and avoidance isn't always a good idea, especially in terms of someone who struggles with addiction, but I've never had more faith in someone before.

Phoebe has always been everything to me, I can't explain the way it makes me feel, the peace even, of knowing that someone cares about her. Loves her, even half as much as I do, seeing her not be alone or stuck with only me is healing in unimaginable ways.

Everything else left me sitting in my car, in the dangers of night watching the waves crash with only the half-moon to light the ocean in front of me. The lull of water quieting some of the incessant muttering that rattles around in my head, it would have made sense to go to Alfie and yet the only thing I wanted in that moment was to be alone.

Did it worry him? Yes. Did that make me horny? Strangely also yes. But did it take a lot of convincing to have him not come and see me? Yes- and I loved it.

"Rosie?" Hugo's voice makes me jump, hoodie pulled up and around my ears with my handbag still slid across my body and the straps held within sleeve covered hands. "I know you're an early riser but wow"

"Been a chaotic night" I confess, "I was supposed to see Alfie last night, but things happened with Phoebe, and it didn't pan out"

A dark look glazes over his eyes, if there was any of our friends that came close to how I care about Phoebe then it's Hugo. My parents might have been awful, embarrassing in their preconceived notions and outdated ideals but Hugo has never loved Phoebe any less because of it.

He had every intention of forcing the birthday gift into her hand without any remorse if it came down to it, and with the already seething look in his eyes I have no doubt about the validity of that threat.

"Please tell me that her birthday wasn't ruined, and you've spent all night consoling her" Hugo grits out, abandoning his coffee to pin me with an angry gaze.

I thank the heavens for Toni once more, because without her that is exactly what I would have been doing and then I'd have an angry Hugo on my hands, that would be over there before I could even blink.

"I didn't, it was only like three hours of consoling before Toni got her up and then got her drunk enough to forget our Mum calling ruined it... then her birthday was back on track, and she had an amazing time"

Worry replaces anger in a flash, "Your Mum called?"

"I was just as shocked" I sag slightly, feeling my body weaken at the reminder I just got good at forgetting. "But yes, it was only so awful because she wants to attempt to fix the things they broke"

"Well shit, that's one way to really ruin a birthday celebration" Hugo sighs, "I am going to call her later"

"As long as your prepared for her to yell at you about the gift, she would have thrown it back in my face if she wasn't so touched by the gesture"

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