Chapter Twenty-Three

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If today sets the tone for the rest of my life than I don't know how I ever thought, I could live without out it. Yes, body still aches deliciously even a week later, but it's not only still arousing but somehow has Alfie willing to do all the heavy lifting for me.

We're baking a cake; the heavy lifting is just bending over but what kind of woman would I be if I didn't soak in the luxuries of seeing him bent over on the odd occasion.

The kitchen isn't the mess I would have normally expected, every available surface is covered in food and drinks that Claudia and Hugo have spent the whole day rounding up. In between what are too graphic promises of sexual favours, despite the fact that I truly don't want to know.

The tension that pulses through the living area every time they waltz into the room only reminds me of what Alfie and I were doing last weekend. I can't truly forget because my body remembers every single frame of it, it plagues my mind even when I need desperately for it not too... I've been too sore to do anything but seeing Claudia and Hugo with their hands all over each other is a torturous reminder.

"I never asked you" I start, shoulder brushing against Alfie's as he stirs the mint icing together. The rainbow chip cake... sits cooling in front of us, after four years I really shouldn't have been surprised this was his cake of choice. "When Claudia and Hugo kissed me, I never asked how that made you feel"

"I hope you know those bastards are still smug about the whole thing" He chuckles, setting down the mixed icing and reaching for his drink, "I was angry because they got to kiss you, jealous because they go to kiss you, worried you were going to go upstairs without me. Determined to make sure it didn't happen again, at least not with Hugo"

I spin to face him, watching the first bead of condensation land against the maroon of his dress shirt, dampening the tight fabric. "But Claudia is, okay?"

Cerulean-jade eyes narrow jokingly in my direction, "Preferably not but it doesn't make me as jealous, mostly because I know Claudia, and I could never rule out her making a move even now"

"That's fair, she's said I am a fantastic kisser" I grin, nudging his shoulder with mine before turning to the bowl.

Cam surely won't care if it looks nice, and I am no cake decorator so poorly slathered icing is really the only option anyone is getting.

"I'm aware of that" Alfie chuckles, "Either way, that kiss accomplished exactly what Claudia had wanted it too, kicked my ass into gear. I was still trying to process just how long I had liked you for, in my attempts at getting my head sorted out it made you further away. Claudia knew it would get under my skin"

"I would suggest showing her our sex tape, but she'd jump at the chance"

"Please" Sophie winces, stopping on the other side of the counter with a playful look of disgust on her face. Blonde hair pulled out of her face, green eyes alight with excitement, "Don't even let her hear those words, she's already curious about our sex lives, none of us would recover from her seeing it"

"And that's why we declined" Alfie laughs, pressing a swift kiss to my temple before moving towards the boys, who are all congregated with beer in the living room.

"You look happier" Sophie points out, coming around the counter to stand by my side, eyeing the lumpy cake in front of us. "And I doubt it's the addition of Salem"

"Where is she?" I grin, looking back over at the boys in time to see Cam hold her up above his head, her little black paws wriggling in the air and meowing happily. "I don't know how we are going to separate the two of them, they're in love"

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