Chapter Twenty-Two

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Slick fingers pull down my bottom lip, sliding through the makeup on my chin and leaving a trail of pink down my chin. I know it's there because the very same colour coats the bottom of his fingers. My stomach clenches in arousal, this is the first time he has outright said the word punishment, but the undertone has been here long before.

If the dampness of my panties were a source of amusement before, then I can't imagine the devious plans his mind will come up with when he goes back to check. Arousal pools out of me and I can't clench my thighs in frustration because his knee still holds me open. "Punishment?" I gasp.

Damp fingers tap against my chin, I can't deny the way my body craves to know what he has in store for me. Every taunt and image in my mind only enthrals me more, I've never considered myself a desperate person, but I am finding that when it comes to this boyfriend of mine, that is exactly who I have become.

Too lost in my own head, his hands grasping my hips tightly and pulling me off the back of the wall it draws an aroused gasp from my lips. "Don't tell me you didn't see that one coming sweet girl; I never took you for an idiot"

"I'm not!" I refuse, shaking my head as Aflie raises his brows in more disbelief, like my honesty is falling short and turning to lies right before us. One look and I start questioning whether what I know is true. "I just want to know what you're going to do with me"

For a moment I think that maybe I have answered correctly, his chuckle reverberates against my trembling chest as he keeps me pressed against his body, fingers marking bruises into my hips. "Where's the fun in that baby?" His voice is dark, edged with amusement and a husk of danger that is becoming more familiar with every passing moment.

Alfie's left-hand leaves me, trailing down the side of my body that faces the open landing and marks the top of the stairs, so every person that comes upstairs has a perfect view of us. Of Alfie dragging my skirt back up towards my hips, I can feel the blunt force of his nails as they trail up my skin. It's a resounding conclusion that I come to, when his knee slides between my legs and pins me open further, calculated movements become rougher, and I know with more certainty than anything else. That for everything I have read, watched and dreamed of, he is going to be more than all of it.

"I can be fun" I plead, not sure what I'm looking for as frenzied words bleed from swollen lips, my body squirms in tingling anticipation and the fear of him finding the slick wetness between my thighs. "I swear it"

"If only that appeased me the way you think it might, but I already know that about you even if you are unsure about it yourself. Maybe I could have gone easy on you, but my shirt remains sticky, your attitude needs work and lying about us to me Rose? That's not nice girl behaviour, and above all of it I know that what you really want is to see just how dark your desires go"

Is it pathetic to say his words make my whole-body quiver, that my mouth is dry at the pinch of pain that comes with the drag of his fingers and the devil in his eyes. His promises of rough and dirty eases the weight off of my shoulders, I have never wanted that for myself, and I was so ashamed of it but the only embarrassment I feel with Alfie, is the tinge of it that he wants me to feel.

"I do" I blurt, he has me hook line and sinker.

"Being so perfect for me now" He chuckles, "Letting me feel you soaking my fingers while everyone who walks past you stares"

I'd been enraptured by the torturously slow pull of his fingers, the way my breath stutters as Harry's exploration leads him to the smear of arousal that's coated my inner thighs. "Yes" I whimper, not daring to freeze as another group of people slow to watch what's unfolding.

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