- The Dinner -

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Jasmines POV.

The car journey was around 10 minutes long and me and Leah were having some general chat for once, mainly because we know Sarina asked the driver to spy on us and see if we got along. We want Sarina to keep is in the squad so we have to put on a face and act friendly with each other.

The car comes to a slower speed as Sarina got out the car in front of us and walked into the restaurant, then our car comes to a stop.

Leah gets out first seen as she's on the right side, she holds the door out for me and puts her hand out for me to take.

"May I?" Leah asks.

"You may." I reply.

I take her hand and lift myself out the car, fixing my hair in the process. Leah closes the car door as i let go of her hand i was holding so i could use both hands to fix my hair.

I see Alex Scott with a microphone waving at me and Leah asking for us to come over. "what is Alex doing all the way in Australia, that's my question" I whisper to Leah as we walk towards her. "That's a good point." Leah replies.

"Hello! Here we have Leah Williamson and Jasmine Parenzo! How are you guys feeling ahead of the first game of the world cup in 2 weeks time?" Alex asks.

"You go." I say quickly to Leah before the microphone gets shown to us.

"Honestly, I think it's pretty chill at the moment. We are all settling into the hotel at the moment but we do have our first training session tomorrow. But yeah it's just good, chill vibes all around, the nerves will start to kick in as we get closer to the first game obviously." Leah is such a good speaker.

"anything you'd like to add Jasmine?" Alex asks.

"No honestly what Leah said, just chill vibes. I'm getting to know everyone that isn't from City at the moment seen as it is my first time playing for England. It's nerve racking but the adrenaline is out of this world." I reply.

"Getting along with anyone at the moment other than the City players?" Alex asks.

"I get along with all of them but if i had to chose, i'd definitely think i'm getting along with Lucy, Keira, LJ and Leah at the moment, things could change" I laugh and look at leah whilst giggling.

"Well you both look outstanding tonight and we hope you have a good night and very good luck from all of us for the World Cup!" Alex finishes the interview.

Leah bends her arm for me to grab so i do, we walk in the restaurant after posing for some of the paparazzi photos.

Me and Leah take our seats next to each other adjust ourselves to a comfy position. The dinner was already pre ordered and i ordered sushi obviously, I have no clue what Leah ordered though.

Mary Earps is sat next to me, i haven't really spoken to Mary that much yet so maybe i could get to know her now i guess.

"Hey Mary!"- me
"Hey Jasmine! How are you?" -Mary
"I'm great thanks are you?"-me
"I'm amazing, i'm so excited for dinner oh em gee." -Mary
"no same, what have you ordered?" -me
"A fat burger. i can't wait." -Mary
"OOO, i ordered sushi" -me

Just as we were about to carry on the conversation our food comes, when Mary said she ordered a fat burger. That burger was FAT.
It looks so good though.

My sushi came and it looked divine, i'm going to be so full after this oh my god.

Leah ordered a steak and chips with salad on the side, it looks lovely.

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