- another round? -

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Jasmines POV.

I walk into the living room, sitting down next to Lucy and Georgia.

"We are just starting" G explains.

"Okay" i reply.

"Are you drunk?" Lucy asks quietly, like she's whispering but also shocked.

"Huh??" I slur out.

"oh, my, god." Lucy replies.

"OKAY SO WHOS GOING FIRST?" Ella shouts. No one answers. "Alright then, Jordan you go first!" She demands.

"Why me??" Jordan says defensively.

"just go!" the girls shout.

"Oh my god fine. Uhmmm" she pauses, "Lucy, truth or dare?"


"if you were to kiss anyone in this room other than Keira, who would it be?" Jordan asks.

"So it's this kind of truth or dare, fine then. If it wasn't Keira i think i'd kiss Jasmine." She replies.

The girls all go "ooooo".

"What can i say, i'm fucking hot." i reply jokingly making all the girls laugh around me.

"IF IT WASNT KEIRA! I'm happy with my girlfriend thank you very much." Lucy laughs.

All the girls laugh at Lucy's bright red face, she does not like awkward questions.

"Okay my turn now because she chose me." Lucy announces, "Mary, truth or dare?"

"DARE OBVIOUSLY.!" she shouts.

"Pull out the best pickup line on the girl you like the most out of the group." Lucy demands

The game carries on until the famous question lands on me from Ella.

"Jasmine, Truth or Dare." Ella asks.

"Feeling cocky today, dare." I reply with a slight slur in my words.

"slap the person you don't like the most from the group." she orders.


I walk over to Jordan and slap her right across that ugly face of hers. That felt good.

"no offence?" i piss myself laughing.

The crowd start laughing with me, that was rather funny though can't lie.

Leah looks at me with stern look on her face, she is noooooottttt happy HAHA.

"okay okay my turn." i say.

"Leah, truth or dare?" i ask her.

"dare." she replies immediately.

"Someone's confident today, alcohol got into that mind of yours or something?" i ask

"haha very funny, give me the fucking dare." she demands.

"alright alright, you see that bathroom over there? 7 minutes in heaven with someone of your choice." i order.

"hard decision, she looks at me. you." she demands whilst getting up and heading towards the bathroom.

"well i wasn't expecting that" The girls wolf whistle at me heading to the bathroom. I roll my eyes and laugh, have a few gulps of the random bottle of vodka on the side before going in.

Leah pulls me in and locks the door behind her. "Jesus christ, what?"

"Why did you slap Jordan?" she whispers madly.

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