- The Final, pt.1 -

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Jasmines POV.

I try to shake off the thoughts of reuniting with Ona tomorrow but it wasn't working so i go on my phone for a bit before sleeping. I blocked Ona and everything straight after the break up and that's when i started sleeping around with loads of girls trying to distract myself from the heartbreak she put me through. I gave my everything to her and she left me for someone else in return. They lasted 2 weeks. 2. weeks. 14 days. Was it really worth it Ona? no.

I go onto my blocked list on instagram and see Ona's profile pop up. I unblock her and go onto her profile, i little stalking session won't do any harm.

She is very good looking but she has are heart as cold as ice and if i only i knew that before getting into a serious relationship with her 2 years ago.


i scream in my head.

I liked one of her photos from 2021. SHIT.

I pray to god she doesn't see the notification saying i liked it.

'Ona batlle liked your post.'

you've got to be kidding me. she's awake and boy is she alert when she gets a notification as well, i'm telling you. After i liked her post, it took her 15 seconds to like one of mine. She could not make it more obvious if she tried.

Ona Batlle
liking my posts already? You
haven't seen me in person yet. x

I leave her on opened, making it clear i want absolutely nothing to do with her in any way shape or form. Nothing.

Ona Batlle
Don't be like that Jasmine.

Keep ignoring her Jasmine, I think to myself.

Jasmine Parenzo
What do you want, Ona.

Ona Batlle
So now you message me back,
only took you 12 minutes.

Jasmine Parenzo
Debating whether block you again.

Ona Batlle
So cold.

Jasmine Parenzo
wonder who i got it from.

Ona Batlle
see you at the final tomorrow,
Parenzo* 😉.

I leave her on read and put my phone down and face the ceiling. She's just trying to get in my head, and she's succeeding. I eventually drift off into the sleep i never knew i actually needed.


Jasmines POV.

I woke up a little later today, i look at the clock and it reads 09:36am. Which is definitely later than the past few nights. Leah was still asleep so i decided to wake her up with a forehead kiss. "goodmorning" i whisper.

"goodmorning ba- jasmine"

did she just nearly call me baby? meh, i shake it off and think nothing of it.

"come on, get dressed. We've got breakfast to scran on."

"mmm, fine" she mumbles

"i'm leaving in 5 so hurry up."

Leah springs out of bed and starts getting ready for the day by doing the usual, brushing teeth and hair, clothes, skincare and blowing me a kiss from the bathroom of course.

We go down and get breakfast and sit on a table, a bit away from people seen as i'm going to have to talk to her about Ona.

"I need to talk to you." i say.

"go on? what is it?"

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