- "Mum?!" -

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Jasmines POV.

The tension in the room was unnoticeable at this point, Leah handed me the piece of paper from her bag and nodded at me so i get approval of reading what the paper says.

I unfold the paper to reveal the song wrote down in Leah's neat handwriting. I start by reading the title and analysing each and every lyric, i worked out it was about me by reading the first verse.

Back to Black, back to a dark period of her life, back to being unhappy, back to hurting?, back to..Jordan Nobbs.

I shot my eyes up at Leah, "Jordan was horrible to you, both times. The 3 years and the present." i assume. Leah nods her head slowly in defeat, not bothering arguing when she knows i know i'm right.

"leah why would you go back to that?" i ask.

"master manipulator, jordan." she replies with her scruffy voice. I nod my head and mumble "okay."

I pierce my eyes back down to the paper and continue reading the song, "you're a very good songwriter you know miss." i smile. She grants me with a smile back as i hand over the paper as i am done reading the song.

"so it's about me?" i ask.

"noo it's about the guy puking in that bucket over there." leah points. I laugh at her sarcasm, but it makes me happy she is still cracking stupid sarcastic comments after just being smacked with a glass bottle and knocked out. At least she's got some humour left in her.

"You have to promise me never to go back there Leah." i say.

"I pinky promise." Leah keeps her hand where she is, clearly can't be bothered to move and sticks her pinky finger out, i accept it and we lock our pinkies together and press our thumbs together to double lock it.

"how are you and-" leah asks but i cut her off straight away, "don't you dare ask about me and Ona, that is not one of your priorities at the moment miss, focus on getting better for wolfsburg." i say. Leah nods her head, again in defeat.

Leah slowly drifts away into a long, deep and calming sleep so decide to use that time to go and say hello to my friends at the party at katie's. I step out the ward and make my way to the car and pop some tunes on whilst driving to katie's house.

I make it to her house and knock on the door, and i was greeted a few seconds later by a drunken Katie McCabe, fun.

"Hey jasmine!!" Katie slurs out.

"Okay woah you're absolutely out of it, hi katie!" i reply whilst laughing a bit.

I walk into the house and close the door behind me, what a lovely way to greet a guest to your party. That thought makes me giggle a little, i don't know why i laugh at my own thoughts, it's a little bit strange i think.

I soon come to realise i was zoned out by Alessia waving her hands in front of me.

"Hellooo wake up, i'm talking to you." Alessia snaps me out of it.

"What?" i say confused.

"How is Leah?" Beth asks.

"She's getting by, she seems to be getting better quickly. She's still well enough to make silly sarcastic jokes like she does. She fell asleep before i went, that's why i came here."
I explain.

"That's good then, she'll be in training next week then." Viv says.

"Hopefully." i reply.

"And when are you start in training?" Stina asks.

"i have no idea, i'm yet to get a ca-" I get cut off by Jonas ringing me.

I pick up the phone with about 10 people around me watching me, pressure or what?

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