- So long Manchester -

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Jasmines POV.

I slowly start to wake up from the sun beaming into my green eyes on a morning where i really didn't want to wake up. I blink away the sleep from my eyes and i can already feel a headache coming on, i'm hungover on travelling day, great.

I look around me and notice i'm back in my hotel which i booked before leaving for London to visit Arsenal. How on earth did i get here?

I suddenly sense the smell of bacon and eggs from the kitchen, oh god. Have i slept around with someone i don't know again?.

I get out of bed and walk towards the kitchen as things start coming back into my head from last night, a club, a kiss, a new friend, a new team, a fucking good night. A kiss, i wonder who by?

I step foot into the kitchen to find a blonde stood with her back to me cooking bacon and eggs for breakfast, i slowly start to creep up behind her and i place my hands on her waist and bury my head into the crook of her neck where i slowly start to kiss, moving down and up her neck until i found a spot that made her breathe hitch. I take that as a sign to stop teasing before it gets too carried away,

"hey pretty captain." i whisper in her ear.

"hey pretty city forward." she replies.

"not for long." i laugh.

I take a seat at the table with a glass of water and a paracetamol in my hand waiting for leah to come and join me with breakfast. I take the tablet as leah sits down with me and places the food infront of me.

"Thank you for this, you didn't have to do this for me Leah."

"I chose to, how are you feeling ahead of your last game for city against the club you're moving to.?" She politely asks.

"Nervous, it's going to be bittersweet but i'll have to deal with it." i smile.

"true, i'll be there so you'll have a shoulder to cry on ofcourse." Leah reminds me.

"I'm glad you're there for my last game though, it'll help me settle my nerves a bit."

"What can i say." she replies confidently and swishes her hair sarcastically making me giggle a little before i dive into more of my breakfast.


The travel back was hell, it took 4 hours. 4 HOURS. For me to get back to Manchester because the train was breaking down so i had to get off at Birmingham and wait 40 minutes for another train. Bullshit, absolute bullshit.

The paracetamol was starting to wear off so i took 2 more and picked up my phone. I dialled a number into my phone and it began to ring as i leaned over on my Kitchen counter in my apartment.

"Hi Jonas, i have made my decision and i am willing to join Arsenal."

"That's great news, we will get you signed on Sunday. The day after the game against city."

"Okay thank you Jonas, have a good day."

"You too Jasmine, see you on Saturday."

"You will, bye now." I say as i end the call and start to dial another number into my phone.

"Hello, it's Jasmine. I have decided to join a different club, i'm sorry i didn't get to join Barcelona."

"It's fine, thank you for considering our offer and making the effort to come to spain. Hang on, someone wants to speak to you."

"Jasmine?" The voice asks.

"Ona." i reply.

"Arsenal it is the huh, i knew it. You and Williamson. You're a little cheater."

"Hold on we were never together, you broke up with me before i could even tell you i joined Arsenal."

"Just give up making excuses Jasmine, you've hurt me a lot."

"I didn't cheat on you Ona."

"Yeah okay, because i believe that." she says sarcastically, clearly not believing me.

"Goodbye Ona."

And with that, i pressed the big red button and Ona was gone, not only off my phone but out of my life again.


Today was my last training session with Manchester City and shooting day where i would film a goodbye video for my fans at the club and it's going to be a hell of an emotional one as-well, and i am not ready at all.

Training was tough and emotional but i somehow got through it, Lauren and Chloe cheering me up every now and then, brightening up my mood a little.

But it was now time to film this video.

"Manchester City, my heart, my blues, a place i used to call home. As you all may know, my contract expires in a few days, at the end of the month. And i have been left with options from multiple clubs, and i have made my decision on what i will do.

I am leaving Manchester City to join a new team that will be announced soon.

My heart is broken that i am leaving this amazing club and i am dreading for the last game tomorrow as i know it will be a sad one.
But i am looking forward to exploring other options in my career and i am also looking forward to learning more about football in a different team and a different environment, I will carry on developing and growing into a better footballer than i am now.

But here's where i say goodbye to not only the club but to you, my fans. My love is going out to each and every one of you that has been following my journey ever since i joined Manchester City when i was 16 years old. I am nothing but grateful and proud to have been apart of this incredible team but now, it is time for my departure.

So long Manchester, i hope to see you again in the future. I'll see you for the final time on Saturday, my last game."

I smile at the camera and raise my hand to cover it so it makes a more dramatic outro.

The video starts being edited straight away, showing pictures of me growing up and the club and meeting the one and only Jill Scott a few months ago, what a day.

As the video makes its final touches and the background music is Sweet Nothing by Taylor Swift, it is posted onto instagram, tiktok, twitter and my accounts.

Thousands of comments flooding into my notifications, they are truly heartbreaking how much the fans are sad to see me go. It makes me not want to leave but i know i am too.

I message Leah saying;

Jasmine: The video is out, It's all getting too real Leah. Have you made it to Manchester yet?

Leah: I know i've seen, proud of you. I will be in Manchester in about an hour so i recommend just going to sleep.

Jasmine: Okay, thank you.

Leah hearts the message as i slam my face into the pillow and slowly start to fall asleep.

Arsenal is where i belong, i know it.


Short one today! It was kind of a filling Chapter ahead of the big game ;).

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