- The Final pt.3 -

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Jasmines POV.

The starting whistle blows, more adrenaline entering my bloodstream. This is it, the last 45 of the biggest game of my life. Surely it wont stay 0-0 until the end, so let's change this around shall we.

The ball lands at my feet after Lottes cross so i take the opportunity to shoot from 25 yards out and unluckily, the spanish keeper manages to save it. That was going in as well, the curve of the ball made that clear.

Spain were on the counter attack after their keepers boot up to field, no no no no. Ona has the ball and she's sprinting down the middle with it, not for long though. I see Leah make a tackle towards Ona and the ball and she kicks it away from Ona. Of course Ona goes down like she's just been shot a thousand times. Dramatic cunt.

Leah gets shown a yellow card, you've got to be joking me. I immediately run over to the ref complaining about the yellow card.

"Are you fucking insane? How on earth was that a yellow! She had the fucking ball." i shout.

"games the game, behave Parenzo."

"Don't tell me to fucking behave, i'll tell you what to fucking do. Learn how to referee a fucking football match properly love." I shout in her face.

The ref turns around and threatens to pull out a yellow for me as well so i tell her to fuck off and walk away.

"Going down like you've been shot after a light catch of the foot is fucking pathetic Ona, she had the ball." I snap at Ona.

Ona laughs, "oh i know, i still got her booked anyway."

"You're fucking pathetic Ona."

She walks off and the game starts again after that wild 2 minutes of arguing and fighting. This is the frustrating part of the scoreline being 0-0 after 60 minutes.

I get the ball to my feet and i curve the ball across to Georgia and it lands straight at her feet, that was perfect, could this be the goal we've been waiting for?

Georgia gets in the right position to shoot and the ball leaves her foot in slow motion.


It felt like it took 30 seconds for the ball to reach the back of the net.

The stadium erupts, in slow motion.

The girls run to celebrate, in slow motion.

The players celebrate, in slow motion.

We just scored in the Final, in slow motion.

Everything starts to feel real now, my head allows everything to go back to normal speed and the celebrations continue and the crowd gets louder.


let's fucking go.

This is it. The last 10 minutes and we are 1-0 up in the World cup final. I can't believe it.

9 minutes left.

Spain get the ball, not olga. I'll take one for the team here. I make a similar tackle Leah did to Ona earlier and the ref immediately comes over and shows me the yellow card.

"You're lucky you're not off after earlier, Parenzo." The ref states.

"Well i'm not so, up yours" I reply.

"Behave, last chance Parenzo."

7 minutes left.

A chance for Spain, saved by Mary.

5 minutes left.

England maintain the possession, not allowing spain a chance on the ball.

2 minutes left.

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