- Arsenal -

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It's time to fly back home from Barcelona now, me and Ona exchanged numbers and regained contact again after what happened a few days ago, she's not that bad but i know what she's like and what she's capable of.

My flight is in 3 hours, but Ona said she wanted to see me before i go so she's coming to my hotel around now i think.

"let me innn" ona shouts from being the door.

"coming" i say.

I open the door and i'm met with the brunette holding a card and a single rose. "hey" i smile.

"hey pretty girl, i got you this! i'm sorry it's not like a bunch of them. I was thinking about how you'd get it home" she says as she kisses my cheek and passing the gift to me whilst walking into my room.

"are you ready to go?" she asks.

"uh yes i think so, i've packed everything." i start to think. "SHIT, i haven't got a fucking uber" i say as i whip my phone out and start typing before Ona snatches it out my hand and dangles her car keys in front of me. "are you sure?" i ask. "positive, come on." she replies. Okay she's a good person sometimes.

Ona carries a bag downstairs and i carry my suitcase and we go to the car and load it with my belongings. I walk around to the passenger seat and open the door and sit down. She has a nice car, damnnn.

"You ready?" She asks, since when was she sat down? "yes i am" i smile.

She starts to drive and i sit there staring outside the window nearly the whole 20 minute journey, the odd glance at Ona every now and then.

She parks outside the entrance of the airport and gets out my stuff, tons of people were around and i was a bit uncomfortable in the media and cameras that may be taken of me and Ona. What if Leah sees.?

Ona passes me my bag and suitcase and closes the car boot, "so this is it, you're actually leaving already." she seems sad about the fact i'm leaving, i mean i would be to if i was in her shoes. "go win the la liga with Barcelona Ona, you never know. I could be back soon." i smile.

She wraps her arms around my lower back and hugs me so i wrap my arms around her upper back and stroke her hair. I can hear her sniffling like she's about to cry so i release the hug and see that she is actually crying. I wipe away the tear and kiss her forehead. "It will all be okay, i'll keep in touch." and those were my last words to her before walking off into the crowd of people.

I go through the airport shit and board my plane and off i go. England here i come.


Leah's POV.

The pictures are all over the internet, Jasmine kissing Onas forehead and hugging each other. I can't believe she's moved on that quick, how could i ever think i would have another chance.

I slouch on my sofa and facetime Beth explaining everything to her. I'm crying and pouring my heart out to her, i miss Jasmine so much and i'm so hung up on her that i wont be able to move on. I've never been this attached to someone before, Jasmines always been different to everyone else. I don't know what this feeling is but i had it when i was with Jordan but the thing is, I was with Jordan for nearly 3 years, i was with Jasmine for like a month on and off. I shouldn't be feeling the same way and more about Jasmine from Jordan. What is wrong with me.

"Leah, me and Viv are going out but i can stay on the phone whilst i'm driving love, is that okay?" she explains.

"yes ofcourse, how long is the drive?" I ask, "about 5 minutes." she smiles "okay" i smile back through the tears pouring down my face.

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