- so it's a date.? -

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Jasmines POV.

I wake up to the sun gleaming in my eyes, hearing the birds chirping outside my slightly opened window to my bedroom door of my apartment.

Today is the day i look at the house i might be buying, i am pretty excited i cannot lie. The house is pretty big, just a bit bigger than Katie's. It's a dark grey rimmed, white modern house, it's beautiful.

I get up and go to the bathroom and quickly check my phone to see the notification that popped up on my phone,

"@leahwilliamson started following you."

I smile at the phone and click on the notification and follow her back, yesterday was a little bit cute i can't lie,


"Hello Leah."

"Hello Jasmine."

"Nice to meet you Leah."

"Nice to meet you too Jasmine."

A slight giggle left both of our mouths as Leah swiftly placed her hand on my cheek and gently lifted her thumb to stroke it until the moment was ruined by a knock at the door, it was Leah's mum, Amanda.

Leah rolled her eyes and giggled to go and open the door and as soon as she did Amanda says, "You alright girls?" and Leah replied with a simple 'yes'. I nod my head at Amanda and say "I was just going, i am having dinner with one of my friends, thank you for the talk Leah." and i walked out the door with a smug smile on my face.

*End of flashback.*

I get in my car and proceed to drive towards that house, It was a 20 minute drive from my apartment and because of the traffic it was around half an hour. I didn't have training today as i am 'caught up with a cold and i couldn't get out of bed'.

Steph C: CARE to explain WHY you're not in training on this fine morning?.

Jasmine: I have a colddd! i'm sorry Steph x

Steph C: Little liar, your location says your driving! x

Jasmine: Ugh fine, i'm going to see a new house today. Please don't tell Jonas i lied x

Steph C: OOOO GOOD LUCK, i won't i promise x

Jasmine: THANK YOU and thank you x

'Steph C liked your message'


Leah's POV.

Yesterday was, different. A good different though, a different i enjoyed.

I finished training about 2 hours ago and i randomly hear a knock at my door, it's like 6 pm? I open the door and see Jasmine standing at my door with dripping wet hair due to the pouring rain.

"Leah, be at my new house. 6pm sharp, dress casual but fancy."

"What? why where are we going."

"We are going out together, no questions asked." she replies.

"so it's a date?" i ask.

"nooo questions asked, Leah."

"come in and dry yourself off, hair dryer is upstairs in the top shelf of the bathroom. Get some fresh clothes from my wardrobe, you're staying over tonight and you're going training tomorrow." I order.

"Do i have a choice?" she asks.

"let me think about that," i pause and sarcastically start thinking for a few seconds. "no you do not have a choice."

She smiles and lets out a soft laugh and walks in to my house and kicks her shoes off, "I'll go dry my hair and shit and i'll be back in about 10 yeah?" she says. "yeah okay." i reply as Jasmine starts walking up the stairs. I go to the kitchen and start making myself some simple blackcurrant juice, i don't know what Jasmine wanted to drink until i hear my phone ping.

Jasmine: can hear you making drinks, i'll have a blackcurrant juice. x

Leah: same as me, coincidence that is. x

*Jasmine liked your message.*

I make Jasmines blackcurrant juice and place it on the coffee table in front of the sofa and put whatever is on TV on.

I hear Jasmine coming down the stairs so i immediately turn my head to face her and she looks so good in my hoodie and shorts, Jesus christ.

She makes her way over to the sofa where i was sat and plonks herself next to me and grabs the blanket from the arm of the sofa and swings it across both of our bodies.

"Your hair looks nice." I say.

"It's gone frizzy because of the rain, i'm looking like a lion leah. Come on." She laughs.

I giggle a bit before replying with "whatever."

"put a movie on then." she demands.

"Alright alright, keep your hair on." I reply making her roll her eyes at me.

"Bitch." she says. I laugh a bit and put a movie on. Madagascar 3, amazing film. No joke i highly recommend watching, this is like my thousandth time watching this no kidding. I press play and i start to watch the movie on the TV as me and jasmine start talking about loads of random things.

"So your new house?." i ask

"Yes! I got the keys this morning, i only went to look at the house and i fell in love with it and they gave it me straight away, im going furniture shopping on Friday after morning training. I've got all the furniture i needed anyway but i need decorations for the walls, rugs, plants and then just some essentials as well." She explains. "You want to come with me on Friday?" She asks.

"Of course i do!" I reply.

"I'll pick you up on the way to training Friday morning and we will go in my car and we can go to the furniture place after training." She explains again.

"That sounds good, i'll shower at the training ground and get changed there." I say.

"Me too, i can't wait." I pause.
"Where are we going tomorrow?."

"Ahh it's a surprise, just dress casual."

"What is casual though because your casual is fancy as shit."

"Not anymore, wear like a top and trousers or leggings? i don't know. Casual. Google it or something." She laughs a little bit while she said that, it was quite cute.

"So are you going to answer the question?" i ask.

"What question?" She asks confusingly back.

"So is it a date Jasmine?."

"Yes, it is a date Leah."


I will apologise for not being active recently, i had a break from writing and focused more on my life outside of writing and school. I am sorry but i am back now wooooo.

Short chapter, it's a filling chapter but i will try and get 'The First Date' out sometime this week.

Thank you for all the support my loves. 💕

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