- Going somewhere? -

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Jasmines POV.

"Hello, Parenzo."

"Hello, Williamson."

"What brings you to speak to me then?" she asks.

"i'm meeting all the teammates, nice to meet you too leah." I say like i have met her before.

"hm." she mumbled.

"You're one of the reasons i'm iffy about joining Arsenal, so i want to put everything behind us. Civil?" i ask.

"i'll think about it." she replies.

And with that, i nod my head and walk off as she walks in the opposite direction immediately telling Beth about the short and quick conversation.

Katie comes running into the changing room and shouts, "WE ARE CLUBBING TONIGHT, JUST SAYING AND YOU ARE COMING TOO." pointing towards me. "EVERYONE AT MINE AT 7 NO EXCUSES, THANK YOU!"

"brilliant." i murmur.

"drop that faul attitude Parenzo." Katie demands.

I salute at her and walk off back to Jonas. The meeting with the teammates has been so much better than the meeting with the Barcelona teammates because Ona was with me the whole time and it was quite annoying i can not lie but you know, i coped.

"I'm happy, thank you for showing me around Jonas, i really appreciate it." I smile at him.

He offers me a hug which i accept and say my goodbyes to him and i'll keep him updated. I exit the room and start to walk out the door until a voice stops me in my tracks.

"going somewhere without a goodbye?" the voice sounds like it's coming from someone who is annoyed at me, god. I turn around and see the blonde defender stood leaning against the wall with her hands in her pockets. Breathe Jasmine.

"could be the last time i see you for a looong time." she is stating a fact there because if i choose to go to Barcelona then i won't see her for probably years.

I tilt my head to the side, "didn't think you'd want to say goodbye to me, Williamson.?"

"oh yeah and why is that?" she remarks. The tension is starting to fill the room rapidly, i look around me to check no one is there and there isn't anyone there so i slowly approach Leah.

"because you hate me, remember?" i say in a harsh but teasing tone in my voice.

"and how could i ever hate you again?" she says as she props herself off the wall and slowly starts to shift towards me.

"I don't you, you tell me." i say as we reach each other. Our bodies only centimetres apart and the tension in the room higher than ever.

"I'll see you at 7, at Katie's." I cut off the moment and walk in the opposite direction, out the door.

I get in my car and plug my phone in so it can charge, i reply to ona's message from earlier,

Jasmine: It was amazing, i think i would enjoy it there. x

After pressing send i press play on my music and blast it, not too loud though and throw my phone on the passenger seat and drive off tapping the stirring wheel with my right hand to the beat of the music on the aux.

"She's a silver lining, climbing on my desire..
And i go crazy 'cause here isn't where I wanna be
And satisfaction feels like a distant memory
And I can't help myself,
All I wanna ever say is, Are you mine?"

The song is quite relatable but i don't think much of it. A few other songs start to play and in the space of 20 minutes i'm at my hotel that i booked for the night.

I call the manager of Manchester city and tell them i will be in training the day before the game which is in 3 days but i may be a little tired after travelling so if i'm not on my best performance than i apologise.

He tells me it's all fine, i'm allowed to go easy at training.

I end the call and get out of the parked car in the hotel car park seen as it's just hit 3 o clock.

I check into my hotel and go up to my room and dump my bag on the bed and think about everything. It's a nice room, the modern furniture is really nice. The turquoise wall is a little off but other than that it's nice.

I haven't got an outfit for tonight so i will have to quickly go out and get something to wear so i don't look like shit tonight. And that's what i did, i grab my phone and the hotel key and slide them into my pocket and walk out the hotel and get in my car.

I drive to the nearest shopping centre and walk around trying to find a nice outfit, and i have already decided that i am not wearing a dress. I walk into zara and find a nice pair of khaki trousers and a white shirt, that'll do.

I buy myself some new makeup as well because mine at home, i just bought some concealer and bronzer. My lashes are already on so they won't need doing and i'm a little sunburnt from spain so no blush is needed either. I make my way to the perfume shop and buy myself a cherry flavoured perfume to wind up Leah a bit seen as it's her favourite flavour.

After all the shopping i go back to the hotel and by the time i get there it's half 5 so i have like an hour to get ready because i need to get to Katie's as well at 7, so i have the quickest shower of my life and dry my hair as quick as i could.

I was ready bang on 6pm. Timing. I run out the door to my car after picking my phone and key and put Katie's address into my satnav. "blah blah, 26 minutes away. Turn left onto blah blah street." Let's go.

I find myself driving through streets until i see a nice house with multiple cars parked outside of it, must be Katie's house. I park my car and walk up to the house and knock on the door, and with that i am met with a tipsy Katie McCabe standing at my door. Great start. She invites me in and i accept as i step through the door and see around 10 of the arsenal teammates sat around the living room.

"WE ARE LEAVING IN 15 MINUTES!" Katie shouts.

"Hey, where is your bathroom?" i ask Katie.

"Up the stairs, go left and then it's 2 doors on the left." she replies with a smile.

I follow Katie's directions and get to the bathroom, i do my business and wash my hands. I fix my makeup in the mirror and open the bathroom door but someone was in the way. I looked up and saw Leah stood there in front of me in a black shirt and grey baggy jeans. Damn she suits dark colours.

"Hello?" i ask with a confused tone in my voice. She walks into the bathroom and shuts the door behind her.

"How are you and Ona?" she asks.

"We haven't spoke much lately, i told her i'd enjoy arsenal if i joined earlier and she left me on opened so she's clearly not ready to accept the decision if it's arsenal." i explain.

"Well that's not good is it, so when are you two going to be endgame?" she asks with a sarcastic smile.

I laugh at her question and shrug my shoulders, "because i think you know where you belong Jasmine." She finished and walks out the bathroom leaving me in there shocked on what she just said to me.



And that's a wrap, next chapter hopefully out soon. I will start writing everyday again now seen as it's a week off holiday off school and exams!

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