- Even worse without you -

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*3 months later*

Leah's POV.

The last 3 months have definitely been the worst 3 months of my life. I have tried to distance myself from Jasmine ever since we said that 'no contact is the best for both of us'. It was never the best for me, i don't know about her.

I took the time away from Jasmine to fully focus on my football and my family, it kind of worked to be honest but no matter where i went, she was always in the back of my mind.

My brother, Jacob, has been quite ill with the flu recently so i've been looking after him as well as myself and my family. Jacob is such a baby when he's ill, the worst thing about it is that he literally has his phone with him all the time so when he needs something he calls me, not mum, not dad, me. Even if i'm in the middle of training and i don't have my phone one me, he calls me. He's had the flu for around 3 weeks now and i have been looking after him non stop, he's finally starting to get better and do things himself now though. That means i can fully focus on football again as well.

Today is November 25th, one month until Christmas.

And today i want to start letting Jasmine back into my life, i have missed her more than anything in the world. Her tanned skin, piercing green eyes which are faded for some reason, her brunette hair which is now damaged and scruffy. I feel like Jasmine hasn't been looking after herself much these past few months because every time she comes into training she gets worse every day, appetite wise. Her football and fitness has been getting rapidly better but she's been declining herself for months and can see that, she hasn't been productive with her time away from me, she's been getting worse and i don't want her to get that bad she stops playing football and doing the things she enjoys.

I go to my bathroom, i have 30 minutes until training and it takes 10 minutes for me to get there and 5 minutes for me to set myself up so technically i have 15 minutes to get ready.

I quickly tie my hair up into a messy pony like i always do for training, do my skincare and i get dressed into my training kit, spray some deodorant and perfume and i finish getting ready with 2 minutes left to spare. I grab my bag, phone and keys and go to the car, locking the front door being me.

I drive to the training ground and put some tunes on in the car whilst i drive. I familiar song comes on from my playlist, 'you know i'm no good' by Amy Winehouse. I softly smile to myself and lean my head back on the car seat and continue to drive, and sing.

After a few more minutes of driving i pull up on the car park on close the car door. I see Jasmine, ..Katie and Caitlin? I swear they hate each other. They must of made up or something i don't know, i'm glad Jasmine and Katie are friends again though because i know how strong their friendship was before they fell out on the pitch against Bristol City, who fights over a 2-1 win anyway?

I make my way into the changing rooms after walking past Jasmine and Lotte talking, looks like Jasmine is making up with everyone today by the looks of it, does that mean she's going to be speaking to me as well? i hope so.

I set up my bag and shit in the changing rooms and sit on my phone for a bit messaging my brother until Lotte and Jasmine make an entrance.

"I GOT MY BESTIE BACKKK!" Lotte announces to the squad and staff in there holding Jasmines hand up high with Lotte's making the squad cheer and bounce around because they know Jasmine and Lottes friendship was so strong before they fell out.

I remain seated and cheer with them before Jonas walks in and explains what's happening. I pair up with Beth and we make our way outside on the pitches, me and Beth just talk about loads of random shit going on in both our lives.

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