- The Beach, pt.1 -

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Jasmines POV.

Waking up to the Australian birds chirping outside and the soft breeze coming from the beach on a beautiful Wednesday morning could just be the best thing ever. And what makes it even better is i have a very attractive naked england captain laying in my arms as well. Could life get any better than this i think to myself.

I feel movement against my arm, i look down and see these blue, piercing eyes looking up at me in 'awh'. Probably because my eyes are being hit by the light of the sun seeking through the window, the sun always brings out the bright green in my eyes and the shine in my brunette hair.

"take a picture it'll last longer" I joke. She giggles in return and smiles at me.

I rest my hand on her cheek and plant a soft kiss on her forehead. "fun night ay?" i say and laugh along with it. "soooo fun." she replied. She gave me a wink as she got up and leaned down to kiss me on the lips. Her lips are so soft and gentle, i wish i could just kiss her forever. How could i have hated her? i mean look at her. She's gorgeous and she's pretty much all mine, well at least i think she is.

Today we have a full day of just enjoying Australia. Sarina isn't making us train so much for these next few days because we need to get used to the weather and settle down, but we do have 3 hours training tomorrow.

"right, i'm going down for breakfast. are you coming?" she asks while smiling at me.

"yes, wait for me. i'll be like 5 minutes" i reply whilst jumping straight out of bed. "okay okay" she says as she sits on the end of the bed to start waiting for me.

I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, brush my hair and do a little bit of skincare with leah's shit. ahhh she wont mind.

I get out the bathroom and throw my shirt off onto the bed behind leah leaving me with nothing on the top half of my body. I turn my head around to see Leah staring at me making my smirk and laugh. i shove on a sports bra and a different shirt with a pair of short black nike shorts on, and i mean short shorts.

"right i'm done, let's go" i say as im spraying deodorant and perfume on myself.

Leah gets up right in front of me causing our bodies to clash, we both weren't looking where we were going so it was kind of both our faults. But it leaves is inches away from each other, i lean into kiss her but something feels weirdly off. i hesitated and pulled away without kissing her, "i- i'm sorry, i'm going to have to go" i grab my phone and run out the door.

I sit down on the pitch just thinking about everything.

When i was younger, i loved singing to my parents. They always complimented me on my singing skills all the time, they thought i'd grow up to be some sort of pop-star like Taylor Swift or Mariah Carey, someone like that. I turned out to be a footballer with shitty anger issues, funny. I never stopped singing, i'd always sing in the shower or go to a random field on my own and just sing to myself. It's always been a hobby of mine that wasn't actually football.

"I cheated myself
Like I knew I would
I told you I was trouble
You know that I'm no good"
I sang.

I heard footsteps behind me, making me immediately turn around to see a blonde captain walking towards me.

"You know that i'm no good by Amy Winehouse, good tune. You have an angelic voice Jasmine." Leah says.

"thanks i guess." i reply with a straight face whilst looking down trying to distract myself by fiddling with my thumbs.

"i know what your trying to do, but i also know you can't. You don't want to face the feelings you have for me so you're going to try and run away from them, including running away from me, i am not born yesterday Jasmine." Leah confronts.

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