- The Beach, pt.2 -

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Chloe gathers us all in to a circle and starts speaking. But my eyes moving towards something, Someone else. - Leah every now and then putting my concentration off what Chloe is saying.

"did you hear that, pst JASMINE" Chloe whisper shouts.

"huh?" i reply

"no then, right listen." Chloe pauses before started again, "You see sarina and the others over there right? we want drinks. There is bottles of 'water' on the coach that Mary forgot to bring with her." She emphasised Mary's name making the whole crowd then turn to look at her, she goes red. i giggle a bit.

"So we have a plan, we all get up now and pretend like we are playing volleyball. Well we are playing vollyball and you have to get the 'water' bottles from the coach. The one with the pink coloured lid is actual water, not vodka. Give that one to Sarina. I coloured all the bottle lids as-well so it doesn't look suspicious. Jasmine, PINK LID to Sarina, rest to us. There's 5 bottles in total." Chloe explains.

"First off, why me and seco-" I get cut off.

"Leah can you go with her?" Chloe asks.

"Sure" Leah replies with an innocent smile.

"Yep i'll go get the water from the coach!" i reply, my mood all changed and a smile on my face making all the girls laugh hysterically. "Oh come on it's not that funny" making me laugh a bit as well.

"Okay, remember pink lid to Sarina." Chloe reminds making me and Leah nod.

"So we are all getting up now and the teams for volleyball are:

Team 1-

Mary, Ellie, Lucy, Lotte, Jordan, Keira, Hempo and Alex.

Team 2-

Me, Hannah, Leah, Jaz, Georgia, Tooney, Less and LJ.

Got it? Team 1 on this half of the court and Team 2 on that half" She can go on for ages but "Yeah we got it" I say.

"Okay go to your halves, i'll get your attention when you can go get the drinks. PINK LID."

okay we get it chloeee! "Okay Okay." Me and Leah reply.

The teams walk over to the court and act normal like we are all just playing a game of vollyball.


Leah's POV.

Chloe gives me the look of 'go get them'. I walk over to Jasmine, "Let's go".

She nods her head, "Hey, We are going to get some bottles of water off the coach because Mary forgot them! Could we have the key to it?" Jasmine asks the coach driver. "Yeah sure, here you go." She smiles.

"Thank you." Leah replies.

Me and Jasmine walk over to coach and go to Chloe's seat and find the bottles of 'water' and the bottle of water on her table in front of her seat.

As soon as I was about to pick the bottles up, Jasmine turns me around and grabs my waist harshly. "someone's needy" i say smirking. She smashes our lips together and runs her hands over my body, teasing at my bikini bottoms. "fuck you". I reply to her actions. "Bet" she breathes out into the kiss. "oh yeah?" i reply. "oh yes." she remarks.

"We will carry this on later." I demand.


I pick up the bottles and see the one with the Pink lid. "right i have the one with the pink lid, let me just check it's actually water" I twist the cap off the bottle and take a sip of it, "yes this is water" I add on. "Let's go"

Me and Jasmine hop of the coach for the second time today and start walking back to the beach.

"We're backkk! Here you Sarina." I pass Sarina the bottle with the Pink lid.

"Girls come here." me and jasmine gulp loudly and turn to face sarina. "I know there's alcohol in those bottles, and i know there's water in this one. Don't get plastered out your heads. Be careful aswell. There's a door over there to the beach house that i also rented out for the team as a surprise, enjoy the party." Sarina explained.

Me and Jasmine are left with our jaws to the fucking floor. OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS WOMAN.

"Sarina, I love you. Thank you" I spit out.

She winks at me and Jasmine and laughs out "off you go".

"SARINA KNOWS, BEACH HOUSE PARTAYYYY" jasmine shouts with a smile on her face.

All the girls heads shot up and immediately start screaming.

"WOOOOO!" A few of the girls shout out. We all start running towards the beach house door and i quickly unlock it.

"AND THE PARTY COMMENCES." I open the door to see alcohol and food on the table, i look at the time, 20:19. I didn't know it was that late. It's 20 past 8 at night. This party's just started, let's fucking go!!

Jordan walks into the house with me at the front and Jasmine walks in with Ella and Less in the huddle of football players going into the house.

"I'm so excited oh my god!" Jordan says to me. "Same Jords Ahhhhh!" I reply with a smile.

Jordan turns on some loud music and everyone starts dancing.

This is going to be one hell of a party, no training tomorrow, and a beach house to ourselves, get innnn.


It's a short chap today! i'm sorryyy. But the party will be filled with Drama just like the last one but with a bigger plot to it.


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