- Familiar face(s) -

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Jasmines POV.

The flight was long and boring but i was asleep for nearly half of it, the other half i was just pissing about with Hempo, Ella, Less, Georgia, Kei, Lucy and Leah.

I've been back in Manchester for a few days and i haven't seen the England squad in that time either, that includes Leah as well. We haven't messaged each other either. I guess we aren't together anymore, we made up and spoke about it at the airport. We agreed that time away from each other is probably best for us.

Today is the first day back in training for City but my contract runs out at the end of the month so i am on the looks of a new team. I'm going to Barcelona to have a few talks with them ahead of my decision tomorrow, i'll be doing the same with Arsenal in a few weeks seen as there the options i have now. Barcelona or Arsenal?

Today is the 23rd of August, my birthday is in 2 weeks today. Brilliant. I'm not much of a celebrating kind of person when it comes to my birthday because i don't want to age. I'm turning 20, what. Anyway enough of the rant about silly birthdays, My flight for Barcelona is at around 7 in the morning tomorrow so i'm going to do a quick training session with city to keep my fitness up and go home and pack my stuff and sleep.

I get in my car and drive to the training ground where i'll be spending the next 2 hours.

When i arrive I get re united with my man city teammates and i give them all a hug and catch up with them all during training, wholesome vibes all around. Sad that it will be my last week with them and i wont even be with them. I'll be playing for them on the 29th and that will be my last game for them after 4 beautiful years with them.

(J pov)

Training was short and effective, but it's time to head back home and get ready for Barcelona.

I'm travelling on a plane on my own for the first time which is a bit daunting but i'm sure i'll be okay.

I have packed a small suitcase seen as i'll only be there for 3 days, i'm getting a night flight back though so i'll be making the most of those 3 days there. I'll be chatting to Jonatan Giráldez, the manager and getting to know some of the players to see if i fit in with the team. I don't really know who plays for Barcelona, i know Lucy and Kei do so i'll be fine. I'll let whoever else there be a surprise for me.

(J pov)

I wake up to my phone buzzing and ringing on my nightstand of my apartment, i hate that alarm sound but it's the only one that actually wakes me up. I drink some of the water on my nightstand that's probably been there for like days on end but oh well.

It's 4 in the morning and outside was pitch black but i continue to get dressed and sort my luggage out because this girls got a plane to catch.

I'm on the road but luckily for me, my apartment is a 20 minute drive from the airport so it's not a long drive thankfully.

The airport is such a pain sometimes, the boarding pass wouldn't scan for around 2 minutes and i tried so many different angles and it wouldn't work but as soon as i turn it upside down it works, stupid machines.

I eventually board the plane now it's time to sit in business class just staring out the window thinking about life for the next 2 hours, fun.

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