14- New friend

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Callie POV

since ivy left, every day had felt the same, and it's making me crazy

i wake up, walk to school, spend the entire day not speaking to anyone, sitting on my own at lunch and hearing the judgemental whispers around me.

then i go home, and sit in my bedroom. in the silent and empty house as i stare at the ceiling. i dont think i've had an actual conversation since i left brady's house.

so i finally decided to go for a walk. get myself out.

i strode down the long, endless streets, everywhere looked the same. it was just getting dark, so the air was still warm.

i thought about calling ivy a couple times. check on her and make sure she's okay, but i realise she's probably surrounded by more love than she needs, and i dont want to be a bother.

"you look like you could use something to get your mind off shit" a voice came from my left, startling me.

i whipped my head round to see two boys. the one who spoke to me had a messy black mullet, and was staring at me with a snark smile

"i'm good thanks" i replied, trying to walk away

"i'll give you a freebe" the boy spoke again, holding up a small bag with lots of colourful pills.

"what is it?" i asked cautiously.

"don't matter what it is, right? as long as it turns that frown upside down" he joked, smiling at me as he took one of the pills out

"tell you what. go home, try this, and if you want more come here tomorrow around this time with money" he handed me the pill, to which i just nodded

when i finally stepped back into my house, i placed the pill on my desk under the light, studying it closely.

i was never one to do drugs. yeah i smoked weed from time to time, but i'd always been against it.

i saw how drugs fucked people up. tyler was an addict, and the times he beat me worst was when he was high.

but staring at this tiny pill that has the power to solve all my problems, i started to see the appeal

without thinking anymore, i popped it into my mouth, swallowing it harshly.

it only took around five minutes before i felt the effects, and after around 15, i was gone.

it felt so nice to not think about marcus. about brady. ivy being gone. my mum. it was nice to not think at all

i laid for hours, giggling to myself. i felt so happy. how did i tiny pill hold such power?

i eventually drifted off, a smile on my face, and a high likelihood of good dreams.


the next morning, i felt like shit. worse than id felt any of the days prior.

as i walked towards the school, my anxiety was ramped up to 100. i don't know what it was, wether it was the pill wearing off or just my gut, but something was telling me to turn around and go home.

as soon as i entered the building, i walked toward my locker, opening it and dumping my contents inside

"hey, callie" breathed a voice that made the hairs on my neck stand up.

marcus put a hand on my waist, right on the exposed part between my top and jeans, spinning me round to face him

"i haven't spoken to you in a while, i get the feeling you're ignoring me" his touch felt like fire, like it was actually fucking burning me

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