24- In the wind

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Callie POV

i sat up in the forest, pitch black, and no noise around me.

i tried to reach for my phone to check the time, but i couldn't see it anywhere

"hey callie" a boy spoke, as i turned around to see tyler


i turned my head again, seeing marcus standing the opposite side of me. they were surrounding me.

"be quiet" marcus said, as they both came at me, grabbing me and pinning me down.

i screamed as loud as my lungs could manage, but nothing would come out. it was like i was on mute

"callie" brady spoke in my ear.

"it won't be long babe, don't worry" tyler said, holding me down as marcus stripped me

"CALLIE" brady shouted, but i couldn't see him

"BRADY" i shouted back, but nothing came out.

as marcus forced himself inside me, i finally screamed, making an ear-piercing noise.

"callie calm down" brady spoke, as i finally came to.

brady, landon and keiron were all staring down at me. brady had a hand on my shoulder, trying to reassure me. marcus and tyler were gone, and i was safe with brady here

"you were having a nightmare callie, just breathe" brady spoke softly to me.

i clutched onto him, breathing slower and slower as i pulled him into a deep hug. he held me tight, running his hand up and down my back reassuringly

"you're safe"

i eventually pulled away, looking over at keiron and landon who stood there awkwardly.

"why are you here?" i asked

"well keiron came to my house worried about you since you hadn't answered your phone in hours and i have your location remember? why are you in the fucking woods in the middle of the night?" he asked me confused

"i fell asleep" was all i said, and he didn't press in anymore

"you're freezing, callie. let us drive you home" i didn't argue back, i just let brady take my hand, leading me out the woods and towards landons car.

i sat in the backseat with brady. he put his arm around me as i leaned into him. it felt nice to be so close to someone i didn't mind being around. not anymore at least.

i noticed brady fiddling with the pocket of my jacket too late as he pulled the bag of pills out.

"how the fuck did you get these?" he snapped, looking at me. landon and keiron both turned their heads to see brady holding the pills

brady rolled down his window, preparing to throw them out


as the little bag flew out into the road, i didn't even think before sliding over and opening the car door, jumping out of the moving car.

landon slammed on his breaks, as the car swerved in the road.

it was probably the adrenaline, but i scampered up and stumbled along the road, searching for the bag of pills.

i had to have sex with a disgusting creep for these pills. i wasn't going to just let them be thrown away

"CALLIE STOP FUCKING MOVING" keiron shouted at me, as the adrenaline wore off and i crumbled to the floor.

the three of them crouched next to me, assessing me

brady gently picked me up, placing me in the car as it began moving again

"why did you do that" i managed to say

"why the fuck did you just jump out of a moving car for some drugs, callie" he snapped back at me

"do you even understand the things i did to get those pills?" i asked him angrily, "i had sex with some random creep because you can't stay out of my business"

"what random creep?" he practically shouted

"max. he told me to or i couldn't have them and it's all your fucking fault for punching lev"

brady didn't say anything. except i don't think he did because i noticed myself slipping out of consciousness. my vision got blurry and the noise around me became muffled.

then it went black.

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