2- Attentive

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Brady POV

i stared down at my food, mindlessly listening to isaiah talking about the girl he was with this weekend.

whenever one of the boys brought up a girl they liked, or spent the night with, i'd have to hold in a chuckle. because 9 times out of 10, i'd fucked them.

i would never say anything though. i didn't see the point. they all knew i'd slept around, but no amount of prying would get me to open my mouth like a 14 year old and talk about it

the time i crossed the line was when ronan was seeing this girl Keira seriously for a few months. but she came onto me, what was i supposed to do?

truthfully, i hate the girls at this school. i hate the girls in this town. stuck up and spiteful, only good for a quick release. i'd always get rid of them after though. even after they get attached and come crawling back. relationships were too much work. too much effort.

my friends tell me i have issues, but i don't think i do.

landon sat down next to me, pulling me out my thoughts

"where's mason?" he asked, taking in a mouthful of his food.

"probably with some girl" ronan smirked, looking over behind me and landon. "fuck me"

we both whipped our heads round to see mason walking towards them with a girl that we hadn't seen before

i noticed her hair first. long and blonde, straight but flicked perfectly at the ends to accentuate her curves.

then i noticed her outfit. a short black denim skirt that covers just the right amount, paired with a dark blue high neck crop top, which covered too much

then her face. she wasn't cute. she wasn't pretty. she wasn't hot. she was intimidating. every feature perfectly laid on her face, nothing out of place.

the word 'perfect' felt like an injustice

but then i realised if she looks like that, i already know her personality. rude, entitled, used to getting everything she wants.

"this is callie" mason spoke, as she gave a coy wave and a small smile.

they sat down, and immediately landon and isaiah bombarded her with questions.

"you're from england?" landon asked eagerly.

"clearly" she giggled

"that's so cool" isaiah spoke.

"not really" she laughed, turning her attention to her food

they continued talking for the remainder of lunch. their hopeless and relentless flirting made me almost embarrassed, but that's just how they were.

i focused my attention more on her answers. how she wouldn't flirt back, she would answer sarcastically which made me laugh.

most girls would feel the need to just agree with boys when at a table full of them, but she actually had her own opinions, which i liked.

she seemed different.


"you coming?" landon asked, as the bell went.

i got up, catching up to him, but discreetly keeping my eye on callie walking with mason.

i noticed the way she carried herself, the way she observed everything around her as she walked. the way she ignored all the lingering stared from boys.

turns out she was in my next class

"you know how to get home?" mason asked, to which she nodded.

"good, hey brady" mason turned to me. "look after my little friend here"

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