22- Problem

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Brady POV

i woke up on a high. last night was amazing. from the kiss, to the dancing, to the car ride home. it was blissful.

i walked downstairs with a slight smile on my face, callie was probably still asleep in graysons room, and the boys were all downstairs.

i slid into my kitchen grabbing a glass and filling it with water. i spun around to see mason staring at me.

"she's got a problem" he said, sitting down at the island and running his hands stressfully through his hair.

"who? callie?" i asked

"she's got a fucking drug problem. she's taking them like it's nothing." he glared at me. "she got up at 7:30 and it's the first thing she did. come scrambling down here looking for her pills"

"she's already gone home?" i asked somberly. i wanted to talk to her. to help her.

maybe last night was a facade. she was high, maybe it meant nothing. she needed a distraction and i was there and willing.

"do you know who she gets them off" he asked me

"i could ask keiron" i shrugged, pulling out my phone and texting him.

"he said the only guy who sells pure lsd in this area is a guy called lev? he sent me his address"

"well might as well try." mason said, grabbing his jacket. "we'll go after school"

"no we'll go before" i said, picking up my keys and heading for the door.

we made it their quickly. it seemed to be a short walk from callie's house. it seemed to line up.

i knocked on the door harshly, getting no response. so i pounded. and pounded

"COMING" someone shouted, stomping loudly up some stairs from inside.

"brady?" the guy who i presumed was lev said. i didn't even know who he was.

"are you the one selling pills to callie?" i asked harshly, as i looked at me confused

"yeah? why?"

"fucking stop" i said loudly, catching him off guard. "she's got a fucking drug problem"

"yeah, so do most people who buy their shit off me" he scoffed

i looked over at mason for a second, mentally asking for permission before i slammed my fist into his face, knocking him on his ass.

"if you don't stop selling her those pills, i wont stop here" i said menacingly to him as we both walked away, leaving him scrambling to shut his front door

"what a fucking prick" i said, as we finally made our way to school.

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