25- Better

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Brady POV

callie had a major concussion and two cracked ribs, which was a miracle for what she did. after half-truthfully explaining to them what happened, they decided to keep her in for a few days.

her dad was the only one allowed in the room, so after a few hours of waiting, we decided we weren't doing anyone any good sitting there.

the three of us decided to get see lev again. i needed to find out who this max was

i banged on his door over and over, until a girl answered

"where's lev" i asked her sharply

"down in the basement, like always" she some uncaringly, letting us in and pointing us in the right direction.

lev spotted me straight away, seeing how angry i was, he stood up, taking a few steps back

"what the fuck, man, i didnt sell her anymore pills" he scrambled to defend himself

"who the fuck is max?" i growled out, seeing a particular boy practicing shitting himself

"that you?" i asked him

"i-" the boy stuttered

i grabbed him by his shirt, pulling him over the back of the couch and started repeatedly punching him.

getting a vulnerable girl to have sex with you for something, especially something like drugs was so fucked up, and he definitely knew what he was doing

keiron or landon didn't stop me. no one did. i would've gone too far, i could've. but i calmed myself down when i thought about the fact that if i were in prison, callie would be alone. and i wouldn't be able to help or protect her from marcus or people like max anymore

i stood up, walking away without another word.

i made my way outside, letting the early morning air into my lungs as i tried to calm myself down.

it hurt to think about the lengths callie felt the need to go to just to get some easy comfort.

she fell in love with the pills because they were easy. you pop a couple and you're happy. it's like a cheat code.

i wanted her to be happy despite the pills. if i'd of known she'd of jumped out a car doing 40mph i wouldn't of thrown the pills. it feels so stupid now knowing she's laying in the hospital.

by the time she's out, school will probably be done for winter break. hopefully things will be better then. better when she can actually focus on getting better, and not relying on drugs and alcohol to cope.

and she has so many people to help her. so many people who love her. she just needs to see it.


A/N this is a 5 chapter update so make sure you've read 21 first!

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