21- Rocky

221 3 0

Callie POV

i woke up in a room i didn't recognise. i sat up suddenly in a panic, looking round the room.

my heart raced as i thought it happened again. i passed out last night. where the fuck am i.

my eye caught a familiar photo on the wall, as i jumped out of bed. i was still fully clothed, which was good.

i studied the picture, feeling the anxiety lift as i realised it was the same picture that was in brady's room, the one of him and grayson. i assumed i was in graysons room

i sat down on the bed, letting myself calm down. i was safe. i really was.

last night was blurry. i remember being at the party, and brady showing up. i had no clue where kieron went.

i remember kissing brady. that was weird, but not really in a bad way. we agreed to be friends, nothing more. but i can't deny the way he make me feel so safe. like when im with him nothing bad came happen.

i pulled out my phone, it was 6:37am. i should probably call him to make sure he was okay.

"hello?" he spoke in a groggy voice

"hey, sorry did i wake you?" i forgot he would probably still be asleep

"it's fine, what's up?"

"did you get home okay? i can't even remember where you went" i propped the phone between my ear and shoulder as i started to put my shoes on.

"yeah, i drove" there was a moment of silence, an awkward tension, "you could've told me you know"

"about what?" i said confused.

"about marcus"

my heart dropped

"how do you know about that" i spoke sharply

"brady told me. he was worried about you taking the pills and i don't know, i just feel bad now. i don't want to make you feel worse, i was just trying to help."

he sounded so sympathetic when he spoke. i wanted to be angry. angry at brady for telling him, angry at kieron for thinking that he wasn't helping, because he was.

"it's okay" i sighed. "i'm fine"

"i thought you were just depressed callie. i didn't realise something that serious had happened"

"it's not that serious. i'm fine" i finished putting my shoes on, as i began searching the room for the rest of my stuff.

"it is serious callie." he spoke calmly, "if you want me to handle it, handle him. i can"

"don't be stupid kieron. i'll speak to you later" i hung up before he could propose anything else that would get him arrested.

i needed my pills. they were in my jacket, but that's the only thing in the room i couldn't find.

i made my way downstairs, remembering the layout slightly from when i last was here.

as i passed the kitchen, i saw my jacket lying on the counter. i searched the pockets frantically finding the small bag containing three pills, the ones i didn't give to kieron.

i popped a couple into my mouth, before letting out a sigh of relief.

"it's not even 7am" i heard masons voice from behind me.

"so?" i said dryly, putting my jacket on.

"you're not walking. i'll drive you" he offered, walking towards the front door. i reluctantly followed him.

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