Miss Dior

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Lando and I were supposed to head out for Australia as the team wanted to get there early and prepare for next week's race.

I wasn't surprised that my teammate was late to our flight as he probably woke up feeling as if he'd been hit by a truck from the night before.

I kept calling him but of course there was no answer.

I asked the pilot to just wait a little longer as I waited on the jet for him to arrive.

I didn't want to upset the pilot but also wanted to make sure Lando would make it to our race next week.

Losing patience I decide to leave without him as we couldn't wait forever.

Just then out of the corner of my eye I saw him staggering up the stairs with sunglasses on but he was still squinting.

"Well look who decided to show up." I say with a laugh while taking a seat next to the window so I could enjoy the view.

"Sorry it was a rough morning."

"Yea I could imagine."

"What how would you know anything abou- oh shit now I remember. Oh gosh did I do anything stupid?" He says as he enters the jet.

"No you were actually surprisingly funny. It was entertaining don't worry."

"Oh I hope you don't mind but I thought Evelyn could join us next week, " he says as he places a hand on this woman's lower back as she enters our jet, "we met last night actually when I was out after the race."

Oh trust me I know.

She was gorgeous.

The way her golden hair was slicked back into the perfect pony tail that showed off her strong facial features.

Gold jewelry was dripping from her neck, ears, and hands as she gave me a quick wave.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Lacy... we're teammates." I was scared that maybe she'd think Lando and I were something more. I don't know I just wanted her to like me.

I don't have many friends who are girls so I don't want to mess this up, even though I'm utterly jealous of her.

I don't know why I was so upset about this girl I mean she was everything I wasn't.

It's almost as if she's the embodiment of someone who I could've been if only I maximized my potential.

After a long introduction I picked up that she is originally from the Netherlands and her father is the owner of some tech business.

She used to be a professional tennis player but quit to pursue modelling.

I was hoping that Lando and I would be able to spend the trip down together but I didn't want to interfere.

Honestly I was just excited to see Mrs. Lawson.

I missed her so much.

I missed her son too.

I wish he was with me right now so I would have someone to talk to.

Of course since they were a fresh out of the oven couple, they couldn't keep their eyes off of each other, making this the longest flight ever for me.


After a long week of interviews, panels, dinners, and moments where I had to put on my best face, I was exhausted.

I almost entirely hated how much extra media stuff came with being a driver.

I understood that this is what the fans wanted obviously, but my job is to drive.

Now, I say "almost" because my PR manager brought me the best news I think I had ever gotten. 

Almost as exciting as becoming a Formula One driver.

I got a call from the one and only Christian Dior asking for me to be an ambassador for their brand.

I actually almost passed out.

"Lando! Lando! Guess what?" I say bursting into his hotel room with excitement. I probably should have knocked first as I could hear the shower on and no one in sight.

I tried sneaking back out of his room but I heard a soft feminine voice say, "is everything alright?"

Evelyn was standing tall towering over me.

Normally I don't feel intimidated by other people but my gosh I felt so small in that moment.

I wanted to tell her about my deal with Dior but she was an actual model and this is probably a normal thing for her.

"Oh sorry I just wanted to tell Lando something." I say trying to avoid my exciting news.

"No I would like to know why you burst into my boyfriend's room without even knocking." She says with a cold glare.


I'm sorry but I don't even think Lando knows they're "official."

"Um it's not that big of a deal I just-"

"C'mon Lacy what's so urgent?" She says with a smirk that somewhat frightens me.

"I got asked to do a shoot with Dior for their next issue in Vogue." I blurt out as fast as I can hoping that she stops shooting me dirty looks.

"What," she says caught off guard, "hold on, so you're telling me that some girl with a broken nose, a masculine figure, and the broadest shoulders got signed with Dior before I did?" she says while pacing back and forth.

"I mean, gosh Lacy I don't know if you've looked in a mirror lately but honey it's not very attractive." 

I wanted to slam her against the wall and- 

You know what... I choose kindness.

Sort of.

"Must be embarrassing isn't it?" I say in a serious tone.

Before Evelyn can say another word Lando walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist with his hair still drenched.

We're both awestruck in a way.

"Lacy? What are you doing here?" He says with a smile while taking a sip of water.

"Oh I was just telling your girlfriend here some exciting news."

Lando chokes on his water and mouths "girlfriend" to me as Evelyn stares at herself in the mirror.

I quickly mouth back "that's what she said" before she can see our side conversation. 

"Yes Lando! Lacy signed a deal with Dior for their next Vogue issue, isn't that so exciting?" Evelyn says in a mocking tone of what I had said earlier.

"Lace! Congratulations that's huge!" He says while wrapping his arms around me.

I can feel every detail of his torso as his sculpted figure wraps around my body.

I can feel my shirt is damp after pulling away from the embrace.

"I know I can't believe it, they just said as soon as my nose is all healed I'll be good to shoot."

I notice Evelyn roll her eyes but Lando is too focused on me to notice.

Lacy, Oh LacyWhere stories live. Discover now