Chapter 18 - The New Normal

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Ashlynn's POV

The phone vibrated on the counter, startling me from my reverie. Glancing at the caller ID, I saw it was Vanessa. A pang of worry shot through me – it wasn't like her to call at this hour unless something was wrong. Taking a deep breath, I swiped to answer.

"Hey, Vanessa, is everything alright?" I asked, my voice laced with concern.

"Hey Ashlynn," Vanessa replied, her voice small and strained. "Not really. There's... well, there's something I need to tell you."

My stomach clenched. "What's going on, honey? You can tell me anything."

A choked sob escaped Vanessa's end of the line. "It's the apartment, Ashlynn. We can't afford it anymore. They raised the rent again, and with the car payment and everything..." Her voice trailed off, thick with emotion.

My heart ached for her. I knew things had been tight for them financially, but I hadn't realized just how bad it was. "Oh, honey," I murmured, my voice thick with sympathy. "That's awful. Have you talked to Eric about it?"

"We've been talking non-stop," Vanessa sniffled. "We've tried everything, but there's just no way we can make it work anymore."

Silence stretched between us, heavy with unspoken worry. Finally, I took a deep breath. "Vanessa, listen to me," I said, my voice firm but gentle. "You know you can always come here, right? There's plenty of room."

There was a hesitant pause on the other end. "I know, Ashlynn, but I wouldn't want to impose. You already have so much on your plate with the twins and the guys..."

"Nonsense," I interrupted, a small smile playing on my lips. "This is family. Besides, it'll be good for the little ones to have another kid around. They'll love having a cousin to play with."

Another sniffle came from Vanessa's end. "Are you sure? I mean, with the new baby coming and everything..."

"Absolutely sure," I affirmed. "We'll figure it out. We always do. How about you and Eric pack a bag, and you come on over tomorrow? We can figure out the details then."

A choked laugh escaped Vanessa. "Alright, Ashlynn. You win. We'll be there tomorrow."

Relief washed over me. "That's my girl," I said, my voice lighter. "Now, how about you try to get some sleep? We'll deal with everything else tomorrow."

"Thanks, Ashlynn. You're a lifesaver," Vanessa said, her voice thick with gratitude.

"That's what family is for, honey," I replied, a warmth spreading through my chest. "Now get some rest. See you tomorrow."

We ended the call, and I leaned back against the counter, a thoughtful frown creasing my forehead. With Vanessa and Eric moving in, things were definitely going to be interesting. But amidst the worry, a flicker of excitement sparked within me. Maybe a little more chaos wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.

*Time Skip*

The rumble of the moving truck vibrated the floorboards, a tremor that ran through me like a melody I hadn't heard in years. It wasn't the symphony of chaos a moving truck usually brought; this was different. This rumble heralded a new chapter, not just for my little ramshackle house on the outskirts of Forks, but for my ever-expanding family.

My belly, straining under the weight of a seven-and-a-half-month pregnancy, pressed against the kitchen counter. I winced, rubbing the small of my back and peering out the window. The familiar sight of the misty Olympic Mountains, shrouded in their perpetual twilight, offered a strange comfort. Change was swirling around me like the perpetual fog, and yet, the mountains remained constant.

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