Chapter 47 - Leaving the Nest

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Renesmee's POV

The rain lashed against the windows of Aunt Ashlynn's house, a rhythmic counterpoint to the nervous knot twisting in my stomach. I loved living here, nestled amongst the ever-present scent of pine needles and wood smoke. But after graduating medical school and landing a coveted residency at Seattle General, the reality of the situation gnawed at me.

"Can I get you anything else, sweetie?" Ashlynn's voice, warm and laced with concern, broke through my reverie. I looked up from the steaming cup of chamomile tea clutched in my hands. Her kind, chocolate-colored eyes held a hint of worry.

"No, Aunt Ashlynn, this is perfect," I mumbled, taking a tentative sip. The chamomile did little to soothe the turmoil within.

She settled onto the armchair opposite me, her brow furrowed. We'd been sitting here in companionable silence for what felt like hours, ever since I'd mumbled something about needing to talk. Now, with each passing second, the words tasted like ashes in my mouth.

"Renesmee," Ashlynn began gently, "is everything alright? You seem troubled."

Taking a deep breath, I blurted out, "I, uh, I might be moving out."

The room seemed to shrink, the air thickening with a tension I hadn't anticipated. Ashlynn's eyes widened, a flicker of something akin to disappointment crossing her features before it was quickly masked by concern.

"Oh, honey," she said softly, her voice laced with a hint of sadness. "Is it something we've done? Are you unhappy here?"

"No, no, not at all!" I rushed to assure her, scrambling out of the armchair and pacing the worn rug. "It's just... with the residency, the hours are going to be crazy. I don't want to wake you or Uncle Jacob up in the middle of the night when I come in after a long shift."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Ashlynn's lips. "We wouldn't mind, Renesmee. You know that. This will always be your home."

"I know, Aunt Ashlynn, and I appreciate that more than you know," I said, my voice thick with emotion. "But I also need to be independent. Residency is a demanding program, and I want to be fully focused. Besides," I added, a hopeful note creeping into my voice, "it wouldn't mean I wouldn't see you guys. I'd still come over every weekend, help out with chores, maybe even cook you guys some decent food for a change."

Ashlynn chuckled, a warm, familiar sound. "Your cooking skills are... well, let's just say you take after your father in that department."

I grimaced, remembering the valiant but ultimately disastrous attempt at baking cookies that had nearly set off the smoke alarm a few months ago. "Hey! I'm learning," I protested with a mock pout.

A genuine smile broke across Ashlynn's face, chasing away the shadows of worry. "Alright, alright," she conceded, her eyes twinkling. "So, you have a place in mind already?"

"I've been looking online," I admitted, a wave of relief washing over me as the tension seemed to ease. "There are a few cute little studios near the hospital. Nothing fancy, but it would be a good starting point."

We talked for a while longer, discussing the logistics of the move, the pros and cons of different neighborhoods, and the inevitable (and slightly terrifying) prospect of living completely on my own.

As the storm outside gradually subsided, a newfound sense of determination settled within me. This was the right decision. It was time to spread my wings and take flight, even if it meant leaving the comfortable nest I'd known for so long.

"Don't worry, Aunt Ashlynn," I promised, squeezing her hand. "This isn't goodbye. It's just a new chapter. And you'll still be the first person I call when I (inevitably) need help fixing a leaky faucet or figuring out how to use the washing machine."

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