Chapter 35 - The Unconventional Pack: Welcoming Baby Maverick

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Irissa's POV

A jolt of coldness ripped through the comfortable haze of sleep, dragging me instantly alert. Disoriented, I blinked at the dark ceiling, the familiar weight beside me missing. Panic clawed at my throat. "Daniel?" My voice was a hoarse whisper in the stillness.

Silence answered. My heart hammered a frantic tattoo against my ribs. Had he left? No, that was ridiculous. We had a doctor's appointment in the morning, the one to confirm the little miracle growing inside me was finally ready to meet the world.

Then, a new sensation bloomed in my lower abdomen, a warmth that spread like a tidal wave. It wasn't the familiar flutter of the baby, this was different, a dull pressure that intensified with each passing second. My breath hitched. This wasn't right.

Scrambling out of bed, I fumbled for my slippers, the wetness between my legs sending a jolt of terror through me. My water had broken. Panic clawed at my throat, choking back a whimper. "Daniel!" I screamed, my voice raw with fear.

"Irissa?" A muffled voice echoed from downstairs, followed by the clatter of a glass. Relief washed over me, momentarily eclipsing the growing fear. He was here.

Panting, I grabbed my phone and stumbled towards the stairs, the pressure in my stomach intensifying with each step. "Daniel, it's the baby!" I yelled, my voice cracking.

A loud thud sounded from below, then his panicked voice, "I'm coming!" Seconds later, he burst through the doorway, eyes wide with alarm. The look on his face mirrored the terror churning in my gut.

"My water broke," I gasped, clinging to the railing for support.

He didn't waste a moment. "Get your things, we're going to the hospital," he said, his voice tight with urgency. I grabbed the hospital bag quickly and He scooped me into his arms before I could protest. I nuzzled my face into his neck, the familiar scent of his cologne a grounding presence amidst the chaos.

The car ride was a blur. Every bump sent a fresh wave of pain crashing through me. I squeezed Daniel's hand so hard his knuckles turned white, gasping through the contractions that seemed to come faster with each passing minute.

"Call my parents please," I managed to blurt out between gritted teeth, the need for her overwhelmingly calming presence. He fumbled with his phone, his voice strained as he spoke to my mom. All I could hear were murmurs of reassurance in his voice before he hung up.

"They're on their way baby," he said, his voice barely a whisper above the roar of the engine.

The hospital loomed ahead, a beacon of hope in the darkness. As soon as the car came to a halt, Daniel lifted me effortlessly into his arms and raced towards the emergency room entrance.

The next few hours were a whirlwind of activity. Nurses bustled around me, checking vitals and preparing me for delivery. The pain was a relentless assault, but through it all, Daniel was my rock. He held my hand, his silent strength a lifeline in the storm.

Finally, with a final, earth-shattering push, a cry pierced the sterile air. A wave of relief washed over me, so intense it almost eclipsed the bone-deep exhaustion.

"It's a boy," the doctor announced, holding up the tiny, squirming form wrapped in a blue blanket.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at our son. He was perfect, a tiny replica of Daniel with a fuzz of blonde hair and eyes that hadn't quite opened yet.

"Maverick," Daniel whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

The name felt right, strong and independent, just like our son. A tired smile tugged at my lips. "Maverick sounds perfect, Maverick it is" I agreed.

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