Chapter 34 - A Spoonful of Giggles, a Sprinkle of Magic

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Lily's POV

My tummy flopped like a fish out of water. Eldoria loomed ahead, a giant castle made of shimmering stone that sparkled like scattered jewels in the morning sun. It had pointy towers that scraped the sky and a grand, arched gate guarded by two enormous, smiling stone griffins. My five-year-old heart hammered in my chest, a drum solo of nervousness.

"Don't worry, sweetie," Auntie Ashlynn, my favorite grown-up in the whole wide world, knelt down and squeezed my hand. Her eyes, the same bright green as mine, held a twinkle. "Eldoria's magical, yes, but it's also full of friendly faces. Just like me!"

Auntie Ashlynn was different from Mommy and Daddy. They smelled of cinnamon rolls and flour, their magic limited to making the best pancakes ever. Auntie Ashlynn, though, was a true sorceress, a teacher at Eldoria, her magic swirling around her like colorful smoke whenever she cast a spell. Today, she wore her long, emerald cloak, the silver embroidery of a swirling vortex glowing faintly.

Taking a deep breath, I gripped her hand tighter. Stepping through the giant gate, we entered a world straight out of a fairytale. Crystal-clear streams trickled through gardens overflowing with flowers that bloomed in every color imaginable. Tiny birds with iridescent feathers flitted between the branches, chirping melodies I'd never heard before. Even the air shimmered, carrying the faint scent of stardust and forgotten dreams.

"Woah!" I gasped, my eyes wide.

Auntie chuckled. "Welcome to Eldoria, Lily. This is just the beginning."

We walked along a cobblestone path that led us to a grand building with a golden plaque that read 'Eldoria Dorms'. Inside, it was warm and bustling. Children, some even younger than me, scurried around with excited chatter, their clothes a kaleidoscope of colors. A giant woman with a booming voice and a kind smile oversaw the chaos.

"Ah, Ashlynn! And this must be the little one we've been waiting for, Lily, isn't it?" Her voice was like thunder, but her eyes were warm as melted chocolate.

"This is Mrs. Plum," Auntie Ashlynn explained. "She's our wonderful dorm mother."

Mrs. Plum knelt down to my level, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Welcome, Lily! I have a room all picked out for you, full of sunshine and magical surprises. Ready to see it?"

Before I could answer, she scooped me up in a hug that smelled like freshly baked cookies. I giggled, burying my face in her soft dress. Mrs. Plum wasn't scary at all.

She led us down a hallway filled with doors that creaked open on their own when we approached. We stopped at a door painted a cheerful sunflower yellow. Inside, a single bed sat snuggled under a window overlooking the shimmering stream. A bookshelf overflowed with books with titles that danced in my head: "A Beginner's Guide to Gobbledygook" and "Fantastic Creatures You Don't Want as Roommates."

"This is amazing!" I exclaimed, bouncing on the soft mattress.

"It gets better," Auntie Ashlynn said with a wink. She pointed her wand at a corner. A bookshelf suddenly appeared, filled with stuffed animals and dolls that looked like they'd jumped straight out of the storybooks I loved.

My heart did a happy flip. "Thank you, Auntie Ashlynn!" I hugged her tightly, my worries melting away like butter on a hot day.

"Now, let's get you settled in," Mrs. Plum said, her voice gentle but firm. "Lunch is in an hour, and then it's time for your first class: Introduction to Potions!"

"Potions!" I squealed, picturing bubbling cauldrons and swirling colors like I'd seen in Auntie Ashlynn's spell books.

"Yes," Auntie Ashlynn said, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Prepare for some fizzy fun, Lily. Today's the start of your magical adventure!"

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