Chapter 21 - Sugar Rush & Birthday Bliss

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The warm spring air of Forks swirled with the scent of sunshine and birthday cake as the Cullen house overflowed with the joyful chaos of a family reunion. Rose, a petite bundle of energy with eyes the color of melted chocolate, was the center of attention, celebrating her first birthday.

Bella, radiant as ever, bounced Rose on her hip, a wide smile gracing her features as she greeted her sister, Ashlynn. Ashlynn, ever the fashionista, sported a knee-length Sapphire blue dress that contrasted beautifully with her black and blue hair. Thor, her towering Asgardian husband, followed close behind, a goofy grin splitting his face as he scooped up his great niece in a very gentle bear hug.

"Look at you, little Rose!" he boomed, his voice shaking the very foundation of the house. Rose giggled, reaching out to pat his cheek with a chubby hand.

Across the room, Edward, Bella's ever-charming vampire husband, sat with their youngest son, Jason, while patiently answering questions from his other triplet sons, Jaxton and Jeremy. The boys, all a whirlwind of long dark hair and boundless energy, were enthralled by their baby niece, taking turns offering her plastic toys that were promptly rejected in favor of a stray hoodie string.

Renesmee, Jacob Black's niece and Bella's first born daughter, leaned against the doorway, her brown eyes sparkling with amusement. Her daughter, Grace, a miniature version of herself with Jacob's chocolate brown eyes, clung to her leg, shyly peeking at Rose over Renesmee's shoulder.

The ever-youthful Cullen's mingled amongst the human guests. Alice, Emmett's pixie-haired sister, chatted animatedly with Jacob, while Rosalie, Jasper's petite blonde sister, cooed over Rose, debating the merits of a floral or butterfly themed smash cake.

Laughter echoed through the house as Sky, Bella's other husband, a man with a gentle smile and an air of mystery, wrestled playfully on the floor with a very enthusiastic Hunter, Hope's boyfriend. Nearby, Emmett, Rosalie's bear-like brother, tossed a giggling Lily, Bella's youngest daughter, into the air, catching her with a booming laugh.

The human men, slightly outnumbered by the supernatural members of the family, held their own. Charlie Swan, Bella's ever-supportive father, doted on his granddaughter, Olivia, regaling her with stories of his childhood fishing trips. Sue Clearwater, now Sue Swan, Charlie's kind-hearted wife, circulated with a tray of hors d'oeuvres, ensuring everyone had something to nibble on. Eric Anderson, Vannessa's ever-supportive husband, chatted with Carlisle Cullen, Bella's vampire father-in-law, about the latest medical advancements.

As the afternoon wore on, the focus shifted to the backyard. A large white tent, adorned with pink and white streamers, provided shade for the buffet table, groaning under the weight of an impressive birthday feast. The centerpiece was a three-tiered cake, frosted a delicate pink and decorated with tiny white and dark pink fondant roses.

Esme, Carlisle's elegant vampire wife, bustled around, ensuring everything was perfect. Her laughter mingled with the excited squeals of the younger children as they chased each other around the sprawling lawn.

Finally, the moment arrived. With a chorus of "Happy Birthday," Rose was placed in a highchair in front of the cake. She regarded the sugary masterpiece with wide, curious eyes before a mischievous glint sparked within them. With a gleeful squeal, she dug her tiny hand into the frosting, smearing it across her face and dress in a display of pure birthday bliss.

Cameras flashed, capturing the mess and the joy in equal measure. As Rose giggled with delight, one thing was certain: this first birthday was a memory that would be cherished by the Cullen family for years to come.

The sugary mayhem continued as Rose, now a miniature explosion of pink frosting, was lifted from her highchair. Her delighted squeals echoed through the tent as she sat in Bella's lap while Raven cleaned her face, hands and legs with a damp soapy washcloth, earning her a gummy grin in return.

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