Chapter 23 - Double Trouble Turns One

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The air crackled with excitement in Ashlynn's Forks home. Banners proclaiming "Happy 1st Birthday Jade & Ava" hung across the living room, punctuated by balloons in every color imaginable. Laughter echoed through the house as toddlers chased each other, their delighted squeals a melody amidst the joyful chaos.

Ashlynn, her face flushed with both happiness and the exertion of party prep, surveyed the scene. Her two daughters, Jade and Ava, sat side-by-side in matching highchairs, their chubby fingers eagerly clutching at the colorful frosting smeared generously across their tiny birthday cake.

"Careful, little ones," chuckled Sue, Ashlynn's ever-reliable stepmother, leaning down to wipe a stray bit of frosting from Ava's cheek. "We don't want you to get sugar overload before the real cake comes out!"

Ashlynn leaned in, nuzzling the tops of her daughters' heads. "Happy birthday, my sweethearts," she murmured, her heart overflowing with love.

Across the room, Bella, Ashlynn's ever-supportive sister, watched the scene with a smile. "They're growing up so fast, Ash," she said softly. "Seems like just yesterday they were tiny little newborns."

Ashlynn nodded, a bittersweet pang tugging at her heart. "I know, Bells. It's both amazing and terrifying."

The arrival of Thor, Ashlynn's husband, drew their attention. He entered carrying a large box, his face alight with anticipation.

"Daddy's here!" squealed Grace, Ashlynn's daughter she and Jacob had adopted from Renesmee, barreling towards him like a furry missile. Thor scooped her up in a hug, his booming laugh filling the room.

"Hey there, birthday girls!" he boomed, his voice easily reaching Jade and Ava over the din. He knelt before them, presenting the box with a flourish. "Uncle Thor has a present for you both!"

Jade and Ava, momentarily distracted from their cake exploration, gurgled excitedly, their eyes wide with wonder. With careful hands, Thor helped them open the box, revealing two adorable stuffed teddy bears, one pink and one blue. The girls squealed in delight, reaching out to grab their new companions.

The afternoon unfolded in a flurry of activity. The older children, supervised by the watchful eyes of the adults, engaged in a series of games – a rousing egg-and-spoon race on the lawn, a pin-the-tail-on-the-unicorn competition (complete with a slightly bewildered-looking Charlie, Ashlynn's dad, as the unicorn), and a treasure hunt that had them scouring every corner of the house and yard.

As the day wore on, the adults gathered around a long table laden with an assortment of delicious dishes. Plates piled high with barbecue chicken, potato salad, and pasta salad were interspersed with bowls of fresh fruit and platters of colorful cupcakes.

"This is delicious, Ashlynn," said Rosalie, her husband Jack chiming in with an enthusiastic agreement.

Ashlynn beamed. "Thanks, Rosalie. It was a bit of a scramble this morning, but it all came together in the end."

Emmett, another of Ashlynn's husbands, nudged her playfully. "Don't sell yourself short, love. You did an amazing job. This party is fantastic!"

The conversation flowed easily, punctuated by bursts of laughter and stories about the children's antics. As twilight painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, it was time for the main event – the birthday cake.

Esme, Emmett's ever-graceful mother-in-law, emerged from the kitchen carrying a two-tiered masterpiece. The cake was frosted a soft pink and decorated with delicate buttercream butterflies and the inscription "Happy 1st Birthday Jade & Ava" written in sparkling gold.

The room hushed as Ashlynn carefully placed a single candle atop each tier. With a bright smile, she addressed the gathering.

"Alright everyone," she said, her voice thick with emotion, "Can we have a big cheer for the birthday girls? Happy 1st birthday, Jade and Ava!"

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