Chapter 42 - Small Town, Big Dreams: Finding Your Place

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Bella's POV

The rain hammered on the windows, a relentless rhythm that seemed to mock the tense atmosphere inside. Hunter and Amber sat hunched over their laptops on the large gray sectional couch, the glow of the screens casting an eerie light on their frustrated faces. Every click of the mouse felt like another dead end. Job hunting in Forks wasn't exactly a walk in the park.

"Ugh," Amber slammed her laptop shut with a groan, "nothing! Except for these three bookstores, and two of them want work experience. Like, hello, where's the starting point for newbies?"

Hunter grimaced in sympathy. "Same boat here. All these mechanic shops want years under the hood. Guess tinkering with mom's old motorcycle all those summers didn't count."

Just then, I leaned against the doorway, trying to inject a spark of optimism into the gloomy room. "Hey, guys, chin up. Every rejection is one step closer to a 'yes,' remember?"

Easier said than done, Hunter thought, but he plastered a smile on his face for my sake. He knew this move and our recent financial problems were stressing me out, and the last thing I needed was him worrying about that too.

Suddenly, an idea jolted Hunter upright. "Uncle Jacob!" he exclaimed. "He owns that garage, right? Maybe he needs some help."

Amber's eyes lit up like a light bulb had gone off. "Brilliant! Why didn't I think of that?"

With newfound energy, Hunter whipped up an email to Uncle Jacob, highlighting his experience with cars and motorcycles, and his eagerness to learn. Amber, meanwhile, crafted a targeted batch of emails to the local library and that quirky little bookstore on Main Street that she loved.

The next few days were torture. Amber channeled her nervous energy into helping me with chores, while Hunter spent hours in the garage, tinkering with a broken lawnmower just to keep his mind occupied. The familiar clinking of tools and the metallic scent of oil offered a strange sense of comfort.

Then, on a dreary Wednesday morning, just before school, a notification chimed on Hunter's phone. It was an email from Uncle Jacob, the subject line making his heart skip a beat: "Welcome aboard, kid!"

The email detailed a starting position at Black's Auto Repair. It wasn't glamorous, but it was a chance. Hunter did a celebratory fist pump that nearly sent his toolbox flying.

The good news continued that afternoon when Amber received a call from the Forks Public Library. They needed someone to manage their social media and wrangle their bookshelves. It was perfect for Amber with her bookworm tendencies and bubbly personality.

Bursting with excitement, we raced into the house, eager to share our news. We found all three parents – Edward, ever the rock, Sky, the resident goofball, and me, their ever-supportive anchor – gathered around the kitchen table.

"Guess what?" Hunter blurted out, practically vibrating, "I'm gonna be working at Uncle Jacob's garage!"

Sky's face broke into a wide grin and ruffled Hunter's hair. "That's fantastic, son! I knew you had a gearhead in you somewhere."

Amber, practically glowing, interjected, "And I'm going to be working at the library! Can you believe it, surrounded by books all day?"

Tears welled up in my eyes. "Oh, honey, I'm so incredibly happy for both of you!" I exclaimed, pulling them both into a tight hug.

Edward, usually reserved with his emotions, hugged his son patting him on the back with a rare smile. "This is a great first step, son. Proud of you."

Sky, ever the showman, clapped his hands theatrically. "Well done, you two! Now, who's up for a victory pizza to celebrate?"

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