Chapter 43 - Tattoos and hair dye ♥

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Ashlynn's POV

The salty tang of the Puget Sound hung heavy in the air, a familiar comfort as I pushed open the door of 'Salty Sirens'. The chime above the door announced my arrival and a chorus of greetings rose from the women hunched over various stations, the rhythmic whir of tattoo guns a constant hum. I scanned the room, a nervous flutter in my stomach. Here goes nothing.

"Ashlynn!" boomed a voice, warm and rich like molasses. Vanessa, the owner, emerged from a curtained-off back room, her arms laden with colorful sketches. Her smile could light up a lighthouse on a foggy night. "Looking fantastic, girl! You ready for this?"

Taking a deep breath, I forced a confident grin. "As ready as I'll ever be, Ness. Let's do this."

Vanessa led me back to her private room, the walls adorned with fantastical creatures rendered in vibrant ink. In the center, a plush black leather recliner awaited. I perched myself on it, feeling a thrill course through me. This wasn't just a tattoo – it was a declaration. A splash of color against the monotony of my life.

"Alright, so, we talked about the design," Vanessa began, unfurling a large sheet of parchment. On it, a magnificent galaxy flower sprawled across a canvas. Black and white swirled in a cosmic dance, the center bursting with a vibrant peach that mirrored the colors of a sunset. It was breathtaking. "Any last-minute changes?"

I traced the delicate tendrils of the flower with my finger, a shiver of anticipation running down my spine. "No, it's perfect, Ness. Exactly what I envisioned."

Vanessa' eyes crinkled at the corners. "Excellent. Now, let's talk hair. You sure about the rainbow ombre?"

"Absolutely," I declared, a newfound determination filling my voice. "It's time for a change, you know? Something... bold."

Vanessa chuckled. "Bold is definitely your middle name, kiddo. Alright, let's get started then!"

The next few hours were a whirlwind of activity. Vanessa, a seasoned artist, worked with practiced ease, the buzzing of the tattoo gun a constant companion. The initial sting was sharp, but a wave of endorphins soon kicked in, leaving a dull ache that felt strangely exhilarating. As the design materialized on my skin, a sense of ownership bloomed within me. This wasn't just ink – it was a story etched onto my body, a testament to my resilience.

Meanwhile, another stylist, a bubbly young woman named Maisie, worked her magic on my hair. The bleach stung my scalp, but I gritted my teeth, the promise of vibrant hues fueling my determination. The process felt like a metamorphosis – the mousy brown strands slowly giving way to a riot of color.

By the time Vanessa finished the final flourish on the tattoo, my reflection in the mirror was unrecognizable. My hair cascaded down my shoulders in a waterfall of color – fiery orange melting into sunshine yellow, transitioning to a cool lavender that dipped into an inky blue at the tips. It was audacious, flamboyant – everything I'd always wanted to be but never dared.

"Holy mackerel, Ashlynn!" Vanessa exclaimed, eyes wide. "You look incredible!"

I couldn't help but grin. My fingers traced the soft curves of the galaxy flower, the peach center a stark contrast against the cool black and white. It felt like a part of me, a physical manifestation of the strength I'd discovered within myself.

"I feel incredible," I breathed, voice thick with emotion. "Thank you, Ness. Thank you for everything."

Vanessa squeezed my hand. "This is all you, kiddo. You just needed a little push to unleash the rainbow within."

We spent the next hour marveling at my transformation, Vanessa snapping pictures with her phone. As I stepped out of Salty Sirens, the setting sun painted the sky in hues that mirrored my hair. I felt a surge of confidence, a lightness in my step I hadn't experienced in years. Port Angeles, once a symbol of my stagnant life, now felt like a canvas waiting to be painted with vibrant experiences.

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