Chapter 45 - From One to Two: A Curveball Pregnancy

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Vannessa's POV

The sterile white walls of the doctor's office seemed to close in on me as I squeezed Eric's hand. This was our second trimester ultrasound, a chance to see our little guy again, the one we'd already named Caleb in the privacy of our late-night talks. My stomach, now a cute bump pushing against the confines of my maternity dress, fluttered with nervous excitement.

"Vanessa Anderson?" the cheerful nurse called out, her voice a beacon in the sterile monotony.

Eric offered me a reassuring smile, his own excitement evident in the crinkles around his eyes. We followed the nurse into a darkened room, the only light emanating from the large ultrasound machine dominating one corner. The technician greeted us warmly, prepping the cool gel against my skin.

"Alright, let's take a peek at Caleb," she said, her voice carrying a gentle lilt. The screen flickered to life, revealing the now-familiar image of our little boy. He was active today, tiny limbs flailing on the black and white canvas. A wave of pure, unadulterated love washed over me.

"There he is," Eric breathed, his voice thick with emotion. "Hey there, buddy."

The technician chuckled, expertly maneuvering the transducer to get a better look. "Strong heartbeat," she noted, making notations on her clipboard. "Everything looks good here, very healthy."

Then, a beat of silence. The technician frowned slightly, tilting the transducer at a different angle. My breath hitched in my throat. A cold dread pooled in my stomach.

"Actually," the technician began hesitantly, "there seems to be something else here."

Eric and I exchanged a nervous glance. The technician moved the transducer again, and on the screen, nestled right behind Liam, appeared another tiny form, a perfect echo of the first. Two heartbeats flickered on the screen, a double counterpoint to the rhythm already drumming in my ears.

"Twins?" I whispered, the word catching in my throat.

The technician gave a small smile. "Congratulations! You're having identical twin boys."

The room seemed to spin. Twins? We were having twins? The joy of seeing Liam again was now overshadowed by a whirlwind of emotions. Excitement, yes, but also a hefty dose of fear. We'd planned for one baby, our budget meticulously crafted for a single tiny human. Now, we were blindsided by two.

Eric's hand tightened around mine. I could feel the silent worry radiating off him. We'd talked about wanting a big family, but twins? It felt like we'd been thrown a curveball, a joyous one, but a curveball nonetheless.

"We can talk about this more after you get dressed," the technician said kindly, sensing the shift in the mood.

Back in the sterile hallway, reality hit me like a ton of bricks. Eric looked pale, his brow furrowed in worry.

"Hey," I said softly, cupping his face in my hands. "We'll figure it out. We always do."

He managed a weak smile. "Yeah, I know. It's just... a lot to take in."

"I know," I whispered, leaning my forehead against his. The joy of seeing Caleb, now double, battled with the very real concern of how we'd manage. We'd have to double the diapers, the clothes, and double the everything. A sudden vision of a double stroller filled my head, and a reluctant smile tugged at my lips.

"We can do this," I said again, more for myself than for him. "We'll have two little miracles to love on. How amazing is that?"

Eric squeezed my hand, a ghost of a smile flickering on his lips. "Amazing," he conceded, his voice rough. "Absolutely amazing."

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