Chapter 27 - Finding Home in the Chaos

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Ashlynn's POV

The smell of freshly baked pie wafted through the air, dragging me out of the fog of exhaustion. I wasn't sure how Billy Black, a seemingly ordinary man, managed to produce such an enticing aroma. Maybe it was the magic of his kitchen, the same one that had undoubtedly fed Jacob countless meals over the years.

Speaking of Jacob, he was currently wrestling toddlers in the living room. The twins, Jade and Ava, were a whirlwind of boundless energy, and even with Emmett's superior strength, they were proving to be a handful. The triplets, Haven, Leila, and Bennett, were thankfully still slumbering in their cribs upstairs.

I found Billy at the kitchen counter, rolling out dough with a practiced ease. Flour dusted his forearms, a stark contrast to his weathered, tanned face.

"Hey, Billy," I said, my voice raspy from lack of sleep.

He looked up, a smile crinkling the corners of his eyes. "Ashlynn! How are you holding up with that little army of yours?"

I chuckled, leaning against the counter. "Honestly? Running on fumes. But they're worth it."

He patted the space beside him. "Why don't you sit for a spell? That pie will be done soon."

I sank gratefully onto the stool, the plush cushion a welcome relief to my achy back.

"How's La Push treating you?" I asked, watching him expertly weave the dough into a perfect crust.

"It's quiet," he admitted, a hint of wistfulness in his voice. "But quiet's not always a bad thing. Especially after all the excitement with the pack these past few years."

I knew exactly what he meant. The revelation of werewolves, the Volturi threat, the whole near-apocalypse business - it had been a wild ride. La Push, once a sleepy little town, had become a focal point for the supernatural world.

"Jacob seems happy," I said after a moment's pause. "Settled."

Billy's smile widened. "He is. Having you and the kids around has done wonders for him. You all ground him, you know? Keep him human."

My cheeks warmed. It wasn't every day you got praised for keeping a werewolf grounded.

"He's a good dad, Billy," I said sincerely. "To all the kids."

Billy's gaze softened. "He is. And you, Ashlynn? You're doing amazing. More than anyone could ask for."

I entwined my fingers, a nervous habit. "It's... a lot. More than I ever imagined."

He placed a hand over mine, his touch surprisingly warm. "You're strong, Ashlynn. Stronger than you give yourself credit for. You're a vampire, a witch, a wife to four husbands, and a mother to five children. That's enough to make anyone..."

"Crazy?" I finished for him with a wry smile.

He chuckled. "Maybe a little. But also incredible. Don't ever forget that."

His words, simple as they were, carried a weight that settled comfortably in my chest.

The oven timer buzzed, pulling us from our conversation. Billy retrieved the bubbling pie, its aroma even more intoxicating than before.

As we settled around the kitchen table, a familiar warmth bloomed in my chest. It wasn't just the delicious pie, though that certainly helped. It was the feeling of belonging, of being accepted, even with my unusual family and the chaos that came with it. 

We devoured the pie in companionable silence for a while, the only sounds being the clinking of forks and the contented sighs escaping our lips. Billy refilled my coffee with a silent nod, his weathered face etched with a thoughtful expression.

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