Chapter 44 - A Royal Slumber Party Adventure

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Olivia's POV

Fairy lights twinkled like captured fireflies across my ceiling, casting a magical glow on our fort. It stretched from wall to wall, a testament to hours of teamwork with Lily and Grace. Inside, a princess palace awaited, every corner overflowing with details only I, the self-proclaimed architect, could envision.

I surveyed my handiwork with pride. Every pillow was perfect, and a sparkly dragon guarded the entrance. Streamers, survivors of a forgotten birthday, draped the doorway like festive bunting. Lily, a ball of boundless energy with wild, gravity-defying curls, bounced on her heels, her excitement electric. "Is this where the princesses sleep?" she asked, her voice hushed with awe.

Five-year-old Grace, the cautious one with big brown eyes, peeked in, clutching her unicorn Stardust tightly. Unlike us, she approached everything with a slow smile. "Princesses?" she echoed softly.

I grinned, feeling like a seasoned leader. "Yep! You're Princess Sparkle, Lily's Princess Twinkle, and I'm..." I paused for effect, "Princess Starla!"

Lily squealed, her enthusiasm echoing. "Princess Twinkle reporting for duty! What's first, Princess Starla?"

I tapped my chin. "A royal feast, of course!" But before I could elaborate, Lily, never one to wait, declared her throne on a pile of pillows. "Pizza for dinner!" she announced with royal authority.

Grace, emboldened by our game, finally smiled. "And ice cream!" she chimed in, her voice surprisingly strong.

I chuckled. "Excellent suggestions, princesses! But first, a princess must prepare her chambers."

I bustled around, arranging stuffed animal guards and spreading a flowery tablecloth over a low table. Lily, ever the drama queen, dug through a basket of my old dress-up clothes. Soon, she emerged as Princess Twinkle, a vision of mismatched brilliance. A sparkly, lopsided tiara sat atop her wild curls, and a collection of outrageous necklaces adorned her neck.

Sensing Grace's hesitation, I knelt before her, holding out a construction paper crown sprinkled with glitter. "Princess Sparkle needs her best friends, doesn't she?"

Her eyes widened. "Sparkle?" she questioned, barely a whisper.

I gently placed the crown on her head. "There you go, Princess Sparkle. Now, let's all find some royal attire!"

The next hour was a whirlwind. Armed with scissors and a sheet, I transformed myself into Princess Starla. A flowing skirt swirled around my ankles, and a sequined top glittered under the fairy lights. A crown of twisted pipe cleaners, a testament to my creativity, completed the look.

Lily, meanwhile, had commandeered a feather boa and sparkly sunglasses, declaring them essential princess accessories. She draped the boa around her shoulders like a royal stole and perched the sunglasses on her nose, striking a supermodel pose.

By the time mom arrived with pizza, the room looked like a fairytale come to life. I presented our makeshift castle with a flourish. Her smile, upon seeing our creation, could rival the fairy lights themselves.

"Wow," she said, kneeling down to take it all in. "This is amazing! Did Princess Starla create this whole kingdom?"

I beamed. "With the help of two brave princesses, of course!" I declared, gesturing towards Lily and Grace.

Dinner was a noisy affair filled with giggles and tomato-stained fingers. We devoured the pizza with the enthusiasm only children possess.

With full bellies and high spirits, we settled back for a movie marathon. Mom, sensing our need to unwind, dimmed the lights and put in a Disney princess movie.

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