Chapter 28 - Escape from Kindergarten: Lily's Mission for Magic

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Bella's POV

The scent of cinnamon rolls hung heavy in the air, a siren song leading me to Ashlynn's front door. Lily, perched on my hip, clutched a well-worn copy of Alice in Wonderland, its cover testament to countless readings. At five years old, my little hurricane was a whirlwind of curiosity, and lately, frustration.

"Mommy, are we there yet?" Lily bounced, her blonde ponytail whipping me in the eye.

"Almost, sweetie," I chuckled, pushing open the door. Ashlynn, my sister, was in the kitchen, spatula in hand, a flour-dusted apron adorning her floral dress.

"Hey there, munchkins!" she boomed, her smile as warm as the oven radiating heat. Lily wriggled free and launched herself at Ashlynn, who scooped her up in a hug that threatened to pop the buttons on her dress.

"Auntie Ashlynn! Guess what?" Lily declared, her voice muffled by Ashlynn's shoulder.

"What is it, my little explorer?" Ashlynn asked, depositing Lily on the counter next to a plate mounded high with cinnamon rolls.

Lily grabbed one, frosting smearing across her nose as she spoke. "School is boring!"

Ashlynn's brow furrowed. "Boring, huh? Why's that, sweetie?"

I perched on a barstool, stealing a warm roll while Lily elaborated. "They're learning about colors again, and I already know all my colors! I can even spell them!"

"Wow, that's amazing, Lily!" Ashlynn exclaimed, her eyes twinkling. "You sound super smart."

Lily beamed, then frowned again. "But it's not enough. I want to learn harder things, like maybe about space or... or dinosaurs!"

A familiar pang of worry echoed in my chest. Lily had always been advanced for her age, her mind a sponge soaking up information. But lately, that thirst for knowledge seemed to be at odds with the curriculum at her kindergarten.

Ashlynn raises an eyebrow. "Or magic?"

Lily tilts her head in curiosity. "Magic like what you and mommy do?"

Ashlynn nods. "Exactly like what mommy and I do. In fact, I teach at the magic school that some of your older brothers and sisters go to."

"That sounds like fun. It sounds less boring, than learning colors and spelling words I already know how to spell." Lily said with excitement in her eyes.

"It does? Well then," Ashlynn looks over at me. "Should we enroll her at Eldoria?" She asked.

"Yeah that sounds fine to me, but I don't know how well Lily would do with living at the school and being away from home." I said, looking between Ashlynn and Lily.

Ashlynn smiled. "This is true, but remember how secure it was when we were there? Plus, each dorm has a Dorm Mother, so she'll be fine. In fact, there's an overnight open house coming up for new students to get used to the school and staff. Maybe she could go to that?"

"True but we didn't enroll until we were teenagers and living with Charlie, but I'm sure she'll be okay if she has someone there with her. Also, I think you're right, going to the open house and enrolling her would be a good idea." I responded.

"We only enrolled that late cause it was after we moved in with Charlie and Sue. And I'm glad you're open to the idea of the open house, I'll get her signed up." Ashlynn chirped, kneading out more dough.

I sat down and smiled softly before speaking, "So when's the open house and is there anything we need to get her?"

Ashlynn smiles as she forms the dough into a loaf and places it in a greased pan to rise. "It's next Friday and you just need to send her with toiletries and a change of clothes, and a pillow and/or blanket if she wants a special one. Eldoria provides everything else, as she will be staying in the dorms on campus. If everything goes well I'll get you the paperwork and packing list." She replied.

"Okay sounds good to me. What time do I have to bring her over because remember Friday is family dinner night at Charlie's, and I'm supposed to bring the fruit salad." I replied.

Ashlynn's frowns. "Oh right. I forgot about the family dinner." She thinks for a moment. "She can just come home with me and I'll take her up later. I have to chaperone anyway so it's no problem if she comes late... The first part is boring anyways."

"Okay sounds perfect so we'll just bring her stuff with us to Charlie's, then she'll go with you to the open house and hopefully she is okay staying the night and everything goes according to plan." I said, happy that Lily wouldn't miss out on the family dinner.

Ashlynn looks at Lily. "So, what do you think of going to tour and staying the night at Eldoria with Auntie Ashlynn?"

Lily looks at Ashlynn and smiles. "Like a sleepover? A sleepover sounds fun!" She says happily.

Ashlynn laughs. "Exactly like a sleepover."

And with that, I was happy that my daughter would be stepping into the next chapter of her life.


That was kinda short, oh well!

See you in the next chapter!!!

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