Chapter 26: The Mystery of the New Moon & the Black-haired Inuyasha (1)

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Emi's pov

 When I returned from the Feudal Era the other day, I was proud that Kagome had successfully resolved the Mayu issue.  At the moment, Kagome, Shippo, Inuyasha and I were on a boat. "It feels so good!" She pointed in the water, "Look, fish!" Kagome seemed to be having fun, which was nice to see. The two of us often don't get that anymore since we started this journey with Inuyasha. "Hey, Kagome! We're not here to have fun!" Inuyasha said, looking annoyed. I shook my head as Kagome put her hand over her eyes, "Okay, okay!" She started, speaking like an air stewardess. "Let's see...I don't detect any signs of Sacred Jewel fragments here." My eyes shifted to Shippo, noticing that he was unwell as if he had seasickness. "Shippo... You're a demon! Don't go getting seasick!" Inuyasha said, "I feel terrible!" Shippo moaned, "Jeepers... No one's taking this seriously!" Inuyasha said, "Uh... Excuse me, am I chopped liver or something? I'm taking this seriously." I said, making Inuyasha look at me.  When he looked at me, my ears twitched and Inuyasha noticed something. "Huh?" Inuyasha quipped, "What?" My eyes followed what Inuyasha was looking at and watched as a thick bundle of spider webs spanned across the river, in front of us. I shivered as I realized there were spiders here, "Spider webs?" Inuyasha quipped, "Such long strands..." Kagome said, she then looked at me with concern. Inuyasha swept the web with his hand, a bundle of web sticks onto his hand and he claws at it with his other hand angrily. He glares at the remaining strands and clenches his fist, looking worried. "Emi..." Kagome started. "Not now, Kagome. Just don't say it." I shook my head, scooting closer to Inuyasha. He noticed my movements and didn't question what I was doing, I don't think he knew that I wasn't in the best mood about this. "Master Inuyasha, is something wrong?" Myoga asked, I looked at Inuyasha in concern as I noticed he smelled very different from normal. "Nothing. Huh?" Inuyasha looked up, "Someone!" Kagome pointed out, my eyes followed her finger to see a girl standing on a cliff edge. "Don't come near!" The girl cried, when I saw what she was looking at my body broke out in shivers. She walks backwards and a black thing attacks her. She dodges and falls downwards, shrieking. Inuyasha jumped up and caught her in his arms, he then landed on a rock by the river.

"Nice catch!" Kagome said.

I watched as the large black thing retreated into the forest, "What was that?" Inuyasha asked, looking at the girl he had saved. The girl looked at him and from her body language, I could tell that she was not going to be happy when she realized what Inuyasha was. "Uh... Thank you for.." She noticed Inuyasha's ears, "Let go, you demon!" She slapped Inuyasha making me growl as Inuyasha lost his balance, causing both of them to fall into the water. "Oh my god," Kagome cried, "Inuyasha!" I called out, I saw his head poke out of the water and sighed in relief. I was glad to see that he was okay, this made me sit back and realize that I do care about Inuyasha. The way he smelled today made me more concerned, but it also reminded me of something that happened to me a long time ago.

Kagome sprayed antiseptic on the girl's arm which was grazed. We were sitting by the river, I wasn't in a good mood. But Inuyasha was in a worse mood and with how he smelled, he was holding something back from us. Inuyasha sat by the river and, brushed his clothes angrily. I sat beside Inuyasha, keeping away from the girl as she had freaked out when she noticed that I was also a demon. Kagome, Shippo, and the girl sat by the fire.

"Of all the nerve!" Inuyasha grumbled.

"Err... What was that just now?" Kagome asked, looking at the girl. "A demon called the Spider Head. It started living on this mountain just after the spring. Several villages have already been attacked. It traps humans in its web and then devours them. It's a frightening demon!" The girl explained, I still didn't see why she needed to hit Inuyasha when he saved her.

"I see... Inuyasha, let's save them." Kagome said, making me scoff. "Any sign of Sacred Jewel fragments?" Inuyasha looked at Kagome, "I didn't sense anything from that Spider Head just now." Kagome answered. "Then let's go... I want to cross the mountain before nightfall." Inuyasha stood up to his feet, "But there is a demon! How can we just pass?!" Kagome argued. "Hey! I'm not hunting down demons just for goodwill towards man!" Inuyasha said, "I know, but..." Kagome looked at me, the two of us communicating with each other through our looks. Inuyasha was being strange, usually, he would help but something told me that whatever he was hiding was the cause of his attitude. 

"I'm going home. No way will I be beholden to a demon!" I growled loudly as the girl got up, "He saved you! What an ingrate!" Shippo said, "Shut up!" She walked off and climbed up the cliff using a vine, "I hate demons!" The girl struggles with the climbing and the vine snaps. She plopped on the ground and I looked away trying not to laugh, the girl seemed to have a problem with the look on my face. "Are you laughing?" She asked me, "So what if I am? It serves you right, you ungrateful asshole. Inuyasha didn't have to save your stupid ass but he did. Be grateful we were in the area because we very well could have just let you get eaten by that Spider Demon. But because we're not the type to do that, we didn't let you die. Insult Inuyasha one more time and so help me I will," Kagome slapped a hand over my mouth, laughing nervously as she held me back. The girl looked shocked about my outburst and so did Shippo and Inuyasha, Kagome looked like she knew that I was eventually going to do that. "Okay, Emi. I think she gets the point..." Kagome said, I gave her a look as she kept a hand over my mouth. 

"Let's at least see her home." She suggested.

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