Chapter 30: Defeat the Spider Demons & Save Inuyasha

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Emi's pov

I won't lie and say that I was absolutely confident that I could handle this demon on my own without some help from Kagome or Shippo, but with how things were going, it seemed like it was bound to happen. I turned my attention onto the priest, who I was standing in front of. Trying to keep Kagome and Inuyasha safe, "Kagome... Run." Inuyasha said weakly, "No!" Kagome cried, she was not going anywhere. "Idiot! Listen to me!" Inuyasha argued, "I REFUSE to run away by myself!" She reiterated, making me sigh. Kagome moved towards him with Tetsuiga and dissipates the web tangling Inuyasha using the sword and they both land on the floor, near Shippo and Nazuna. With them safe, I knew that I needed to get them out of here. Especially if I wanted to keep Inuyasha alive, I swung at the priest and backed towards the group. "Hurry, outside!" Kagome cried, my ears twitched and I heard more Spider Heads gather near the door. "Not outside!" Shippo cried, hearing the same thing. "There's a small room in the back of the main hall!" Nazuna said. "Then let's go." I said. I grabbed Shippo and Inuyasha, throwing Inuyasha over my shoulder and the four of us started running. Inuyasha groaned slightly as the priest gave chase after us, but I didn't bother looking back. Nazuna opens a door and we all rush in, Shippo closing the door behind us as I laid Inuyasha on the floor softly.

"Kagome! Thrust the Tetsuiga into the door!" Myoga suggested.

"Huh?!" Kagome looked at him confused.

"Hurry!" Myoga yelled.

Kagome thrusts Tetsuiga's blade onto the door. Outside, the priest touched the door and sparks appear, burning his hand. I sighed in relief, sitting down next to Inuyasha, as I knew that Tetsuiga was keeping the demons away from us.

"W-what?! Damn!" I heard the priest cry out.

"Tetsusaiga's power will ward them off for a while." Myoga explained, Kagome grabs Inuyasha's hands, "His hands are cold... Inuyasha, hang on! Inuyasha! Inuyasha!" Kagome started to panic, "Kagome, stop panicking. It won't help him!" I snapped, she looked at me shocked but her eyes softened when our eyes met and she realized how I was feeling. Kagome kneels next to Inuyasha, who is lying on the ground. Nazuna sits near the door, leaning on a wall. Shippo is sleeping near Inuyasha, I envy him for being able to fall asleep in this kind of situation.

"Just because I insisted that we stay here..." Kagome started crying, I sighed as I leaned against the wall. Inuyasha was right next to me, his health still declining.

"It's not your fault." Nazuna said.

"She's right, Kagome. This isn't your fault. Hell, this isn't even her fault. None of us saw this coming." I stated. "But I...!" Kagome stopped when I gave her a look, Myoga leaped onto Inuyasha's neck. "I'll suck out the poison!" He started sucking Inuyasha's blood and gets bigger, almost the size of Shippo which was alarming. "Hello... I've put on a few pounds here..." Myoga rolls over near Shippo, "Now it's up to Master Inuyasha." He said, sounding tired from sucking his blood. "Thanks, Myoga.." I gave him a small smile, "You did great."

"He's perspiring so much..." Kagome takes out a handkerchief from her pocket and wipes the perspiration off Inuyasha's forehead. When she does this, Inuyasha's eyes open and I immediately scoot forward. "Sorry, did I wake you?" She asked, "No... Kagome..." He turned his head away from Kagome, "Yes?" She asked, "Why? Why were you crying?" He asked, I hadn't seen her cry earlier but it isn't shocking. Kagome cares deeply for Inuyasha, hell, so do I. I just hide it a bit better than she does.

"You mean, a while ago?"

"I... I thought you were going to die." She said.

"Crying...for me?" He paused, "Let me use your lap." Kagome was shocked at the request but she let him, I scooted back against the wall and kept my eyes on the door. After some time passed Myoga and Shippo were sleeping. As more time passes, Myoga gets smaller and smaller until he is his original size again. Nazuna sleeps by the door and light rays start to enter the room through the windows.

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