Chapter 16: Save Kagome

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Emi's pov

Shippo sits in the bicycle basket while Inuyasha carries it over his shoulder running, causing the bicycle to shake terribly. Inuyasha leaps onto a rock surface, then across a few pinnacles with me following closely behind him. I wasn't too pleased with Shippo yelling but he seemed frightened by something and my gut told me we were about to come across those two brothers that he was afraid of, "What's wrong, Shippo? You're screaming your head off. If you're scared, just go back." Inuyasha stated, sounding annoyed with Shippo. "Stupid! I'm going to avenge my father! You'd better be as strong as you say you are! The Thunder Brothers have used the Sacred Jewel fragments to increase their power!" Shippo replied, making me sigh heavily while Inuyasha seemed to get excited about the confrontation ahead. "whoa! That makes me beating them even more fun!" Inuyasha said, "Still, I'm worried about Kagome," Shippo said, frowning. "Me too, Shippo." I agreed, "That woman is fine! She's got a tenacious streak in her." Inuyasha said, "He's right about that." I muttered, crossing my arms. "I hope so... According to rumors, those two brothers devour pretty girls immediately!" Myoga said, "They WHAT?!" I shouted, startling all the three of them.

"You're telling me that they eat women?!" I screamed.

"Emi, calm down." Inuyasha started.


"You idiot, you never tell a woman to calm down." Shippo said, "Shut up," Inuyasha retorted, "How can I be calm when two powerful demons took my sister and because she's pretty, they'll fucking eat her!"

"What's pretty about Kagome?" Inuyasha said, making me growl loudly at Inuyasha. "Inuyasha," I warned, "What?! Are you totally blind?" Shippo asked, "Yes, I think she's very pretty, too." Myoga agreed, "She is pretty! You're just too stupid to see it!" I snapped at Inuyasha, making him growl at me for calling him stupid. Shippo clenches his hair and shakes his head, "I'll bet she's already been eaten! It's all my fault!" He screamed, I frowned as I looked at him. I didn't like him blaming himself for what happened to Kagome, she made a conscious decision to protect him from those bastards. "Pretty woman, short life." What a wise saying." Myoga said, making me growl again.

Shippo stops and stares at Inuyasha, "Inuyasha! How can you stand there looking so blank?! Kagome is a beauty! So she may already have been eaten up!"

"So... Tell me what's pretty about Kagome?" He asked again.

"Inuyasha," I warned, "I don't think she's that pretty," Inuyasha stated. "That's it, I've had it with you insulting Kagome! SIT boy!" Inuyasha let out a loud yelp as he crashed to the ground, "I've been thinking this from before, but I think your perception of beauty is a little off." Myoga said, looking at Inuyasha. He had jumped onto my shoulder when I got angry with Inuyasha, Shippo watched the interaction with interest. Inuyasha got to his feet, looking not too happy with me. "What was that for?!" He snapped, "For Kagome, you idiot!" Inuyasha huffed, crossing his arms. Shippo clenches his hair and shakes his head again, "Aghhh! No wonder you look and dress so weird!" Inuyasha closes his eyes and clenches his teeth in silence, not liking Shippo's comments. "I agree... A red outfit is a bit troubling. I think you should dress with a little more refinement." Myoga stated, making me giggle quietly. "Aghh! Shut up! How did the subject turn to the way I dress?!" Inuyasha shouted, making me giggle some more. It seems they got under his skin with that comment, serves him right.

My ears twitched as I sensed something coming, suddenly a lightning bolt struck the pinnacle that we were standing on, causing both Inuyasha and I to jump while the pinnacle shattered into pieces. Shippo and the bicycle fall onto the ground and tumble away, Inuyasha and I land right beside each other and look up as another lightning bolt appears. Inuyasha quickly grabbed both Shippo and me, throwing me over his shoulder and causing me to yelp. "Inuyasha, what the hell?" He takes off running with both of us in his arms, he then kneels on the ground, shielding Shippo, me, and himself with his hand as the bolt hits the ground they were on before. The ground shatters into pieces, making me hide my face in Inuyasha's red jacket. He slowly placed me down on the ground, placing Shippo next to me and the three of us looked into the dark clouds. A handsome young demon appeared, floating on wheels above us and I instantly realized who it was. "Humph, so you thwarted me! For someone yapping out loud in front of someone's front yard, you move fast. You must be the one... Inuyasha the half-demon." He said, "And you..." His eyes shifted to me and a faint blush adorned his face as I glared up at him, "You're the other half-demon... A very pretty one at that too." I stood in shock, I couldn't believe he said that just now. My cheeks turned slightly pink as he stared at me, "You must be Emi..." He said, I snapped out of my daze and growled at him. Myoga leaped onto Inuyasha's shoulder, "Master Inuyasha, that's the older Thunder Brother, Hiten."

"The fucking bastard," I muttered. "So you're the one of the two assholes that took my sister!"

"Wow, feisty," Hiten said.

Shippo leaped onto Inuyasha's back and held onto one of his ears, "Hey you! Where's Kagome?!" He shouted, "Relax, I haven't started eating her yet. Manten!" His brother appeared, floating beside him on another cloud. "Yo!" He holds Kagome up, "Tadah!" I breathed in relief when I saw her unharmed, "Kagome!!"

"Emi!" She looked down at us, "Inuyasha!" She called.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha responded, Shippo fell off his back. He got back up, this time jumping on my shoulder.

"By your expression, looks like the woman spoke the truth. Now hand over the shards of the Sacred Jewel if you ever want to see your lover alive again!" Hiten said, lightning flashes across the sky.

"See my lover?" Inuyasha made a face as I tried not to laugh, while Kagome looked away, embarrassed

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"See my lover?" Inuyasha made a face as I tried not to laugh, while Kagome looked away, embarrassed. I was trying so hard to stay serious at this moment but it was so hard to when I knew how these two get along, besides, Kagome probably lied to make sure they didn't eat her. Inuyasha staggers towards Hiten and Maten, still shocked by what they said. "Um, there must be some misunderstanding?! Let me get this straight, you and I are supposed to be lovers?" Inuyasha questioned. "This isn't the time to get shy." Kagome turned back around to face Inuyasha, Manten grinds his fist onto Kagome's head making me growl in anger. "You little vixen, I knew you were lying." He teased, making Kagome laugh nervously in response to his teasing."HEY, you filthy bastard!! Keep your dirty paws off of my sister!" I shouted, shaking my fist.

"Wow, she is a feisty one," Manten stated. "And a beautiful one as well." Hiten stated, making me blush again as I glared at them.

"And very protective of me," Kagome stated.

Inuyasha clenched his fist, shouting, "You actually think I'd hand over the precious shards as a ransom to get you back?!"

"Inuyasha!" I turned my anger towards the idiot. "Of course you would! Cause that's what a lover would do!" Kagome yelled at Inuyasha, and Manten was taken aback by their argument.

"But we ain't lovers! And without love, the whole argument kinda falls apart"

"So now some little gems are more important than me? How dare you say something like that after all that we've been through together." She retorted, pointing a finger at Inuyasha. "In the meantime, you better tell yourself how much you really love me!" She demanded, making me sweatdrop at the two arguing. This is absolutely ridiculous but it was hilarious, "Do they always argue like that?" Shippo asked. "Yes, they do," I said, crossing my arms. "Whatever! One thing seems true... You have the shard of the Sacred Jewel. I'm gonna kill you and take 'em all!" Hiten snapped, flying toward Inuyasha. Inuyasha pulls out tetsuiga, ready for a fight with them.

"You'll be the sorry one!" Inuyasha replied. "Emi, stay back and let me handle it this time." I nodded, going to hide behind a large boulder. As much as I wanted to fight them, I had no way of going up a demon as powerful as those two. Inuyasha was not going to let me fight them, "Thunderbolt attack!" Hiten points his pike at Inuyasha with sparks flying, Inuyasha blocks the pike with Tetsusaiga and holds him off. Lightning bolts spark out from the pike and the ground starts to shatter.

"Hah! I wonder just how long can you hold out against my strikes?" He quipped as Inuyasha held him off, he pushed Hiten away with his sword. Hiten flies further away from Inuyasha, "You've got brute strength, at least. This is gonna be fun!" Lightning flashes and thunder bellows in the background, making me sink a little lower to the ground.

"Inuyasha, please be careful..." Was all I could think as the two started fighting.

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