Chapter 11: The Toad who would be Prince!

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Emi's pov

Kagome and I were swimming in a pond, this time wearing bathing suits. Inuyasha was sitting just a few feet away, not in sight of the pond so he couldn't see either of us. He was moving around the perimeter, making sure that nobody else was going to bother us. Although Inuyasha and I butted heads a lot, I felt safer knowing that he was watching over us. I'll never tell him that though. Inuyasha knows so much more about this time period, better than what Kagome and I have learned in the history books. "Oh, this feels so good! Sparkling clear water and clean, fresh air! There's something to be said about this age, after all!" Kagome said, standing to her feet as she raised her arms. "Yeah, well, the smells are actually worse than back home," I muttered, making Kagome sigh. "Oh come on, Emi. Don't be so grumpy." She looked over at me, "I'm not being grumpy. Besides, it's been three days since we left the village. I don't even know if we will find the other jewel shards before something bad happens." I looked up from the water at Kagome, "We will." She said, making me look at her. "How do you know?" I quirked an eyebrow, "I just know, Emi. I know that with us traveling together to find these shards, we can do anything we put our minds to." She said, giving me a smile. "Aww, Kagome. You are so cute when you're so optimistic!!" I tackled Kagome, throwing my arms around her. The two of us fell back into the water, making Kagome squeal loudly. "Emi! Let go of me! Hey, stop that! It tickles." Kagome squealed, as I continued to bother her. I heard a rustle in the bushes nearby, which made me stop tickling Kagome. "Huh? What's up, Emi? Why did you stop?" She asked, as I looked ahead of us. Something suddenly sprung out, snatching Kagome and I's clothes and the rest of our stuff. 

"What the hell?!! Hey!! Give that back!!" Before I could get out of the water, Inuyasha landed on a nearby rock which made Kagome shout and cover herself back up. I let out a loud territorial growl, startling Inuyasha who nearly fell off the rock out of shock. 

"What?! I wasn't looking!" Inuyasha said, I continued growling at Inuyasha, who kept his distance from us. Kagome moved forward, grabbing my hand in an attempt to calm me down.

"No! Go get our stuff back!!" Kagome yelled, pointing to the thing, which turned out to be a little white baboon. The baboon looks back at us before taking off, which causes me to rush out of the water. "Emi, come back!! Wait!!" I ignored Kagome's calls, continuing to chase after it, and in the distance, I heard a loud whistle. I manage to follow the damn baboon, hiding behind a bush as I watch it hop over onto the boy's lap. "Here, here...Hiyoshimaru. Good job." The boy reaches into the bundle of clothes and takes out a bra, which belonged to Kagome. "Th-this...isn't something to eat!" The baboon named, Hiyoshimaru shrieks and slaps his forehead as I pop out from behind the bush. Kagome and Inuyasha appeared behind me, "Hey!!!" Inuyasha shouted, "Give me back our clothes, you perv!!" I shouted. The boy pulls out a sword, pointing it at the three of us which only pissed me off. "Who are you?!! You look suspicious!" Inuyasha kicks the young boy in the face, "That's our line!" Inuyasha shouted, as the baboon started to shriek and run in circles.


Currently, we were with the young boy, who was sitting under a tree eating a bag of chips that Kagome had given him. His baboon, Hiyoshimaru sits on his shoulder biting into one piece of chip. Kagome kneeled next to him, as I sat next to her while Inuyasha laid on the curved tree trunk. "You really must've been hungry," Kagome said, holding up her hand. "Want some tea?" Kagome asked, "Uh-huh..." The boy takes the tea and sips, while I stare at him. To be honest with you, he was actually pretty cute but I wasn't happy with him stealing our clothes. Kagome reaches into her bag and takes out a bag of food, "Want something to eat too, Inuyasha?"

"No thanks."

"If you'd help me eat, I'd have less to carry," Kagome said. Inuyasha gets off the trunk and picks up Kagome's bag, which is pretty heavy. "Well, why'd you bring so much stuff each time you go back to the well?" He asked, looking at her. 

"Well, I have clothes to change into, homework..."

"Listen here..." Inuyasha slouches and closes his eyes, making me look over at him. The boy slaps the empty bag of chips, in which his baboon follows suit. "Mmm... The dried potatoes were delicious. My thanks, woman." I growled deeply at his disrespect, which made Kagome chuckle nervously. The young boy became nervous, Inuyasha holding me back from hurting him.

"My name is Kagome. He's Inuyasha. And this is my sister, Emiko. But we call her Emi." Kagome introduced, making me cross my arms. My ears twitched, as I heard a sucking sound and the young boy slaps his cheek.

"This is Myoga the Flea..." Kagome added, as he floated towards Kagome. "You said you had become separated from your comrades. Are you from a high-ranking family?" She asked, while I looked over at him in curiosity. I was somewhat curious as to why he was all the way out here by himself and with very little protection. The young boy folds his arms and turns away smugly, which irritated me. "For personal reasons, I cannot reveal my lineage." He stands to his feet, walks a few steps away, and turns around. "But call me Nobunaga." My ears perk up, as I hear him say his name which I had learned in history class. Kagome and I look at each other before she stands up in excitement. She holds her face with her hands, excited. "Nobunaga?! No way!" She suddenly grabs Nobunaga's hand and shakes it. "Please let me shake your hand! And..." Kagome suddenly pulls out an ink brush and a piece of paper and bows her head, which makes me roll my eyes. "Please give me your autograph!" She practically begged, which only made me slap my forehead. "Autograph?" Nobunaga holds the brush and paper, as Kagome points to it. "Oh, your name... Please sign your full name." He seemed confused, but he signed it anyway.

"Why're you so excited? And why is Emi not?" Inuyasha deadpanned.

"He's Nobunaga Oda!! Don't you know him? He's soooo famous!" Kagome said, making me huff.

"Yeah, of course. To answer your question Inuyasha, I'm not as crazy for him as she is." I said, looking over at Inuyasha. "His full name is not Nobunaga Oda." Myoga said, which piqued my curiosity so I took a look at the paper. "Nobunaga Amari? No! Aren't you Nobunaga Oda?!" Kagome asked, as I sighed. Oh, here we go. Nobunaga folds his arms and scoffs, seeming somewhat offended. "I belong to the Takeda Clan in the land of Kai. Don't lump me with that cretin from Owari!" Looks like someone has an issue with the other Nobunaga.


"I meant fool!"

Kagome only seems to get angry as she was expecting it to be the person she has always wanted to meet. "If you're not Nobunaga ODA, why didn't you say so earlier?!" She sighs heavily, "I got excited for nothing." She said. "It's okay, Kagome. You'll find the right Nobunaga one day." I patted her on the back, which only made her seem even more depressed. Nobunaga lets out a cough, trying to make him seem important at the moment. "Ahem... Thanks for the food. I have an important mission, so I'll take my leave. Fare thee well."  I watch as he walks off, seeing that he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. "Hey, that's..." Inuyasha starts, trying to warn him but it's too late as Nobunaga lets out a loud scream. "The ledge...!" Inuyasha finished, "Such a simpleton but he's not Nobunaga Oda."

We were hiding behind a bush, listening to the villagers from a small village talk about what's been going on. "Why are all the villagers in the domain being taken?" The first villager asked, I grew concerned when he said this. "I heard that none of the girls summoned to the castle have ever returned." Another villager said, making Nobunaga gasp as a group of girls walked in a straight line, with their hands tied together. "W-what...?! So the rumors are true?!" Nobunaga shouted, popping out from behind the bush. This made me shake my head, face-palming at his actions. "Why do we have to keep this guy company?" Inuyasha asked, as we popped out from behind the bush with Kagome. "Well... He doesn't seem like someone who can manage." Kagome said, making me sigh again. "Look, we have to look for the Sacred Jewel," Inuyasha said, I could tell by the tone in his voice that he was pissed off with this. I mean, I wasn't too happy with the situation either. A villager whispers something to another, saying something about the lord of the castle being a demon. This gets Inuyasha excited, making him step on Nobunaga's head while his monkey shrieks loudly.

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