Boris: Wednesday, August 3rd

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I'm sitting at Starbucks. Waiting. I realized I never specified a time, so I write back and ask if he is available soon under the guise that I am super busy today. I'm not, I only have one student to advise, and I already cleaned the Caf for the day.

He walks in, and spots me. He gives me a charming little grin, and sits down.

"Hi Jack, how are you?" I am sporting a cow onesie in light of his apparent love for cows.

Jack looks me up and down, and responds with "Fine"

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Jack looks me up and down, and responds with "Fine".

I push on despite his grumpiness. "Thank you so much for meeting me. I just want to establish our connection as it will be vital for your future. I already have researched a couple different paths to explore and-"

"Why are we here?"

I freeze. "What?"

He looks down into his lap. "I'm sorry. I know you are just trying to do your job. It's just all so much change in the most vital year of college"

I look at him, and for a second I swear his eyes are glossy. But when he looks back up, its gone.

"We are here for your future Jack. We are hear to discuss the choices you can make that will shape your career."

"Choices?" He asks like he has never heard that word before.

I stare at him. "Yes. You get to decide what you want to do with your future."

He sits in silence. I search for my rubix cube in my pocket as the anxiety creeps in. I find it and thumb it.


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"Dr. Straz has never used that word before. He's always told me that I am going to become a marine biologist." He looks away towards the Starbucks line.

I think for a second, and ask, "What would you like to be Jack?"

He ponders it and says "A biology expert".

"Then let's make you an expert".

He looks back towards me and grins. "I think we are going to get along, Boris."

I grin back. "I think so too". 

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