Boris: Sunday, August 7th

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I'm sweating buckets. The audience starts applauding. I fall to the ground, weak in the knees.

We won. But I haven't done this in ages.

I want to curl up into a ball. I want to cry, but Jack sits down next to me. Payton and PJ start issuing the audience MP members out of the auditorium.

"Leave. Get out" yells Payton to lingering audience members. PJ picks up Gary/Ronnie and throws him out the door.

"You chose Boris over me! Again!!!" Gary/Ronnie cries as he flies across the auditorium, through the student union, and lands safely in the comfort of his bed.

"What is he talking about?" PJ asks Payton.

Payton responds "No clue, let's go. I'm tired"

PJ and Payton grab their things and leave. It's just Jack and I on the stage.

"You did great out there" he says.

"So did you," I reply. I'm still on the ground. I can't bring myself to get up just yet.

"I'm sorry about everything. I was a real ass to you"

"Jack, it's really okay. I understand why."


"Jack. I forgive you".

We sit in silence for 5 minutes. Jack is staring into my eyes, as tears roll down my face.

"We can't be together," he whispers.

"I know" I whisper back.

"It's just weird," he says. I laugh. He giggles and adds "and its crazy to think you are an FBI agent".

I sigh, and finally sit up. "It's more believable than me doing improv"

"Are you kidding me? You were a natural."

I blush. "Alright, maybe I am good at it"

He smiles. He stands up, and holds out his hand. I grab it as he pulls me up and into a hug. We stand there for another 5 minutes in silence, until he pulls away.

He grabs the red shoes, and hands them to me.

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"Keep these. To remember me"

"Are you sure, Jack?"

"Positive. You are an honorary MP member in my heart."

I smile and take the shoes. He gives me a kiss on the cheek, and whispers "Goodbye Boris". He grabs his belongings and leaves.

I am alone, but I am full in my heart.

Someone stumbles out onto the stage, I turn around to see Marcus.

"Good work Agent, we've eliminated Gary/Ronnie from the improv world for good. Your flirting with Jack was a nice touch on the disguise, more human" He says. He hands me an envelope that says classified. "Sorry to spring this on you, but it looks like Second City in Chicago is having a little trouble with a heckler. Goodnight, Agent"

I take the envelope and sit. Marcus leaves, and I pull out my badge. It reads FBI: Federal Bureau of Improvisation. I kiss my badge and put it in my pocket.

We did good work, and even though I will never be with Jack, I hope one day we can do improv together again.

Signing off,

Billy Owen Ryan Ivan Samantha

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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