Jack: Saturday, August 6th

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I drag Boris onto the dance floor. I push through the football jocks and the men's volleyball players–who are all kissing? Whatever, good for them–and turn to face Boris. I need as many witnesses as possible for this conversation.

"The jig is up, Boris." I say.

"What does that even mean? Do you want to dance?" Boris says, starting a little jig.

"No, no, I mean, I know your secret."

"What secret?" they reply.

"Boris... I know you're an FBI agent." I say.

" I say

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Now, I know what you're probably thinking: Jack, what possibly could have led you to this conclusion? Not a single detail in the previous chapters eluded to the fact that Boris is an agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Well, here's what I have to say: you should've read harder.

It's all been leading up to this moment. All of the strange encounters are finally starting to make sense. Boris has been lying to me all along, pretending to care about my dreams of being a Biology Expert. I should've known... that was a stupid dream anyways.

"Boris, I know you're lying to me! You know what, don't even bother coming to my improv show tomorrow."

"But I already bought a ticket." Boris replies, sadly.

Confused, I say, "We don't even sell tickets."

"Wait, what? Then who did I buy this ticket from? It was $100.01!"

"Boris, what? Never mind... I can't do this anymore." I storm out, the MP red shoes falling out of my pocket. I don't even care. I leave everything behind and run out the doors. 


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