Jack: Friday, August 5th

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I wake up suddenly to a loud, obnoxious sound–like an old, old man snoring. I sit up and look around: I am still in the meditation chapel... we must've fallen asleep here. I look over at Boris, who somehow is in a matching PJ set with a pillow and a sleep mask. Not sure where all that came from. I watch Boris sleep for a moment. They thrash violently from side to side while snoring louder than I could even imagine was possible.

My watch says it is 3:47 am. I decide it's time to head out and get ready for class. I leave a note for Boris and stick it to their forehead before making my way out of the chapel.

It is still raining, but not as heavy as before. It's almost peaceful as I walk down the empty campus drive. My feet splash in the puddles left from the downpour of yesterday. I think about skipping class to enjoy this rainy day.

My daydreaming is quickly interrupted as I enter the Oaks building.

"Where the fuck have you been?" a familiar voice says. I look up, shocked, to see the entire MP board sitting in the Oaks lobby. Payton is standing directly in front of me. "Well? Don't just stand there, say something!"

"Oh, shoot.. Guys, I–" I start.

PJ cuts me off, "You forgot about practice?"

"Yeah... I guess. I'm so sorry it was all so strange and dramatic and I don't even really remember what happened."

"You stormed out of MP Dinner!" Marcus chimes in, "That time is sacred, Jack!"

"I know. Guys, I'm sorry."

"What's been going on with you, Jack? It's like you're on another planet!" Emma says.

I sit down and let out an exasperated sigh. "I don't even know where to begin."

"Just spit it out, dude!" Payton says.

I let it all out. I tell them about the weird meeting. The emails. The MP Dinner. The strange prophetic dreams I've been having where a moose chases me over the edge of a cliff. And most importantly, about my night with Boris.

"Dude... your advisor is..." PJ starts.

Payton finishes her sentence, "An FBI agent."


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