Jack: Sunday, August 7th

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This is it. Time to barfight... for our lives. That much debt would devastate us. We cannot let Carthage take our money, and more importantly, we cannot let Ronnie win.

Boris is the guesser for our team, and Ronnie is the guesser for the other team. The gorilla and I get our suggies.

**Note for non-improv people: Typically 2 people act out the activities and there are two sets of suggestions. To make this chapter as concise as possible, there's only one set of suggestions and one jibber.**

Our team's activity is Bowling, but instead of the ball it's a blender, instead of the shoes it's a kiwi, and instead of the pins, it's 10 sassy giraffes.

Once the gorilla and I have completed acquiring our suggestions, we call the guessers back in, using the proper improv show technique: screaming. Boris and Ronnie hear us yell and run back in to start the game.

"Alright, folks. I want a clean, fair fight. No real words, and no inappropriate dancing. I'm looking at you, Steve." Says PJ, "Okay! May the best prov win!"

PJ starts the timer. Ronnie's team goes first. Steve, surprisingly, is acting out their action so effortlessly. The way he imitates skiing and makes each object so clear truly makes him a worthy opponent. But if there's one thing I know about Boris, it's this. They were born to prov.

It's our turn, and I act out the activity swiftly and clearly. Boris and I are on a roll. It's like we are synced via Bluetooth or something.

We get halfway through, with Boris guessing the blender faster than I expected, before it's back to Ronnie's team. Despite Steve's expert jibbing, Ronnie can't seem to guess a single thing!

It's our turn again. It's like the world has gone into slow motion. Boris's and my consciousness stream together to create a ray of improv light. The light fills the room and Boris guesses the final detail. Ronnie collapses on the floor, slowly shrinking back into the lanky nerd he was before.

"No!" he yells, "Nooooooooooo!"

Cheers erupt, and the crowd is freed from their licorice restraints. Well, the ones who hadn't eaten their way out already. Which was like two people. They clap and scream for our improvisational heroism.

That's it! We've won!

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That's it! We've won!

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