Jack: Wednesday, August 3rd (Later)

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"I think so too," Boris says.

I stand to excuse myself. "Thanks for meeting me today, Boris. I will let you know if I have any more questions... school-related, of course."

"Yes, yes, best to keep it professional, haha!" They reply.

I do a little half bow and wave and grimace at myself as I walk away. Boris makes me feel... so odd. I have so many unanswered questions... not school-related.

I walk out of the Starbucks with my head down and full of thoughts. In my pensive state, I bump into somebody.

"Watch where you're going, loser!" a familiar, annoying voice says.

"Sorry, Ronnie."

"You think you're all that, don't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just because YOU kicked ME out of OUR improv group. You think you're all that!"

"No, Ronnie, it's not like that–"

"Well I'll have you know that my life has only gotten BETTER since you dorks kicked me out! Yeah! I have a GIRLFRIEND now! She doesn't really know it yet, but... YEAH."

"That's great, Ronnie." I say, turning to walk away.

"You can't ignore me forever!" He yells after me before mumbling something to himself that I couldn't understand.

Even a strange interaction with Ronnie can't take my mind off the even stranger interaction I just had with Boris. And even stranger–the email they sent to me. What is this "bad experience" they had with the improv "art form"? Does it have to do with their questionable fashion choices? Or perhaps their moose-like appearance? I must find the answers to this question.

I find an open practice room in the JAC and ignore the mediocre pianists preparing for keyboard skills exams as I whip out my laptop. Time to do one of my all-time favorite activities: online stalking.

I start with Instagram, typing in "Boris" to see what comes up. As expected, I find a wide range of Russian men, but nobody bearing resemblance to my new advisor. So, Instagram is a bust.

I move onto Facebook, typing "Boris" into the search bar. Again, Russian men. Another bust.

Growing frustrated, I turn to the most valuable resource on the internet: Google. 

Just searching "Boris" has yielded no results, so I add "Carthage College" just to see if that helps

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Just searching "Boris" has yielded no results, so I add "Carthage College" just to see if that helps. Bingo! I find Boris's staff profile and their art page on Tumblr. After scrolling through a few pages of Google searches, I see a YouTube video. Without hesitation, I click the link.

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