Boris: Thursday, August 4th (Just a Couple Moments Later)

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"Jack, it's okay."

"No, it's not. I should have never looked." He buries his face into his hands. It starts to rain harder.

"You had no idea Jack, you are human" I take his hands, and look him in the eye

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"You had no idea Jack, you are human" I take his hands, and look him in the eye. "It's okay. I'm okay Jack."

His eyes lock on mine, and for a moment we are the only people in the world.

"I'm so sorry," he whispers.

"I forgive you" I say. I pause and look down at our hands. They have somehow intertwined. We shouldn't be holding hands like this.

"Come on, let's get out of the rain" I whisper. With our hands held, I silently lead him behind Johnson, past the Tower and Madrigrano, and right into the Meditation Chapel. I pull out my Yankee Candle (2X4 scented) and light it with my mind.

 I pull out my Yankee Candle (2X4 scented) and light it with my mind

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"Woah" he gasps.

"I learned it back in college" I respond. I toss a grin over my shoulder, to see him standing dangerously close.

"Your song was really pretty" I say.

He blushes. "It was really nothing".

"I thought it was really pretty nothing" I grin.

He grins back. I love that grin.

I feel so comfortable and nervous at the same time. Here. In this space with him. But I want to be closer to him.


"Yes, Boris?"

"Can I tell you something?"

"Yes, anything."

I pause. I hesitate. I think. I wonder. I dream. I ponder. I think a little more. I hesitate again. I sigh.

I grab his hand.

"Can I tell you about the time I did improv?"

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