Jack: Thursday, August 4th Later

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In my life, there are only two things that are constant: dinnertime and improv. Today, Thursday is the combination of those two things. It's MP Dinner.

MP Dinner, basically, is when we get together in the caf and eat dinner to fuel our bodies for a fulfilling improv practice. I get into my nicest clothes: my butterfly button up shirt and khakis. And of course, my signature orange vans.

I LOVE MP Dinner. It's just a cool time with my pals before we have to work so hard in practice. I skip up the steps and toward the pizza station. I grab whatever's available and start walking toward my usual table.

Something stops me in my tracks

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Something stops me in my tracks. A familiar smell: cinnamon toast crunch. Oh no... what are they doing here?

I round the corner and my fears are confirmed. Boris is seated at the table in between Marcus and PJ. I am frozen in fight or flight mode. I could stay and sit through an awkward meal with my advisor and the person that I just blatantly insulted by way of internet stalking, or I could run.

I could run...

But Boris looks up and spots me. They smile and wave me over. Maybe our relationship isn't doomed after all. I walk over and sit across from PJ.

"Hey! How was your day?" PJ asks.

"It was... fine, I guess." I reply.

"Did you guys hear about what happened in Straz last night? What kind of idiot breaks into a school building like that? Absolutely crazy!" Says Marcus.

"Haha, yeah, I mean, crazy, haha, yeah..." I say, anxiously messing with my hair. Hopefully I played that off well enough for nobody to notice.

"So crazy... but let's talk about what's really important: improv." PJ says.

"Well, I mean..." I say, glancing nervously at Boris, "We don't have to talk about improv right now. I mean, we have other hobbies, right?"

Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy. Like, I know that we don't have other hobbies. I just didn't want to offend Boris.

After a long pause, PJ breaks the silence. "Well, anyways, I'm so excited about the games we have picked for tonight's practice. I was thinking we start with..."

PJ's voice slowly fades from my head as I stare at the table nervously. My head is racing with thoughts of Boris. This is probably so hard for them to sit through, the discussions of improv. I can't even change the subject, because what else would we talk about?

All I can do is stare silently at my soggy pizza as it goes cold.

After a few moments of silence on my end, I decide enough's enough

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After a few moments of silence on my end, I decide enough's enough. I walk out of the caf and into the rainy Thursday evening.

I walk all the way to the edge of the lake. In my contemplative state, staring at the Kenocean, I almost don't notice the hand on my shoulder.

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