Written By SweetArms37 and Sassylegs73.
It's Jack's senior year of college , and as he is bracing himself for the future , everything changes. His new advisor Boris steps into his life, and things get shaken up.
The year was 2022. I was attending University of Phoenix online, but I was living in Phoenix at the time. Campus clubs were open to online students too, so I auditioned for their team: The Cactus Rats.
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I had been doing improv since I was born. The first words out of my mouth were: yes, and?. I had it in the bag. I walked into the audition and nailed it. They saw me play My Movie, and asked me on the spot to be on the team.
I rose ranks quickly. My talent and wit only grew, as well as the popularity of the group. We were what everyone wanted to be. We were IT girls. I would get asked out constantly, professors would give me free late assignments, I never had to pay for a meal ever again.
We were not just known campus-wide. We were known Phoenix-wide. People from all over the city would come to see The Cactus Rats. We had to start charging at the door because seats were so hot and hard to come by. We were making $3,000 each night. For being funny. For being us.
Then I met Tabitha. Tabitha was this beautiful, band kid. She played the piccolo. Her hair was Strawberry Blonde, and she smelled of Bleach.
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And I loved her.
She started coming to the shows more and more and more. She would sit in the front row, and bring me my favorite food.
It all was heaven until my fellow Cactus Rat, Gary, started getting jealous of all the attention I was getting from Tabitha.
One night, I was doing my pre-show ritual. I would do the renegade and also put on my lucky pair of long underwear. Everyone knew about them, they were these beautiful, blue satin underwear that went down to my feet. And they brought me my best lines.
Well that night, the lights went out as I was putting on my underwear. I didn't think much of it at the time, it was amazing we even had a theater for an online school.
When I got on stage that night, I froze. I couldn't think. I talked over people, I didn't listen, and most of all: I was boring.
I'd never froze on stage before. Ever. Or messed up. I was the funniest one there.
Suddenly, my pants fell down in the middle of 4 corners, and I looked down to see I was wearing long underwear. Only, it wasn't my lucky pair. They were tattered and torn, and had a Donkey Kong Print.
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And in that moment, I knew.
I looked backstage. There was Gary, in the corner, with a smug look on his face.
I looked at Tabitha in the front row, and she just shook her head at me. She grabbed my Jelly and left.
Tabitha left me. And I looked like a fool. Everyone pointed and laughed at me for exactly 15 seconds, and then the theater cleared. I was alone on the stage.