Jack: Wednesday, August 3rd (Even Later)

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"Shit, shit, shit!" I yell, frantically trying to un-click the like button. "Shit!" I click it so many times that it just flickers from liked to not until I finally land on un-liked. I breathe a sigh of relief and hope that Boris doesn't have notifications turned on.

I feel a strange mix of emotions after watching this video: shock, disgust, fear, and a little bit of sadness. It wasn't when I expected at all when Boris confessed their troubled history with the art form of improvisational comedy. I slam my laptop shut and put my head in my hands.

Boris must feel so ashamed and disrespected by my invitation to our show. I didn't even realize how many boundaries I'd crossed. I start to feel another emotion: guilt.

The best cure for guilt and shame, as we all know, is one thing: sitting alone in a silent practice room. I leave my laptop behind and leave for the JAC. It's raining, and I trudge along mournfully as the water fills my crocs. 

I blast sad classical music in my airpods, making it feel like a scene from an indie film

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I blast sad classical music in my airpods, making it feel like a scene from an indie film. I pass by friends from class, but ignore them all until I finally reach my destination.

All of the practice rooms are full except for one: the one with the most out-of-tune piano anyone has ever heard in their life. I decide it's good enough for my melancholic state and claim it, shutting the door behind me.

I sit at the piano and plunk some tunes. I decide now's as good a time as ever to memorize chords to easily-recognizable songs for MP's games of "Piano and Man", but as I begin to play, someone knocks on the window of the door.

I look up to see my bandmate and fellow improvisational comedian, Payton. I wave him in. He struggles with the doorknob. Oh, right... it's locked. I get up to let him in.

"Hey, man. I heard 'Peaches' from down the hall and knew you were in here being all sad and shit." Payton says.

"I've gone too far this time, man," I reply.

"Oh, I'm sure it's not–" He starts, but I cut him off.

"You don't understand."

"Dude, of course, I don't. I'm not a fucking mindreader, you gotta tell me what you did... Do we have to hide a body? Because I know a guy–" He says before I cut him off again.

"No, no it's nothing like that," I say.

"Then what?"

After a brief pause, I explain the whole situation: my strange meeting, our coffee conversation, and my internet rabbit hole–all culminating in my discovery of Boris's darkest secret.

"Dude... why were you googling your advisor?" He finally asks.

"That's not important! Just... how do I fix it?"

"You know what, the best thing you can do... is apologize. Though I really think you're overthinking this." He says.

"No, no. You're right. I know what I have to do." I pull out my phone to start writing the script for my apology video.

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After a few hours of writing, speaking, recording, editing, adding sound effects, and lots and lots of crying, I finally finish my apology video. Now, all that's left is to get it into the hands of Boris.

I decide the most efficient way to get this to them is by burning it onto a DVD and sliding it under their office door. I run to Straz, but the doors are locked. NO!

This is too important. I cannot delay this delivery any longer! I break the glass of the door. The alarms start to go off, so I know this must be quick and quiet. Without waiting another moment, I sprint to Boris's office and slide the DVD under their door.

I am fleeing the building as I see campus safety pull up. Good thing they only have one car and one officer on duty. I stay out of their sight and run off into the night.

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